Lagoon 43 at SIBS and Cats in General


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27 Aug 2004
South Coast
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Had a look at this one yesterday and came away very impressed with the sheer spaciousness - equiv. to a 70 footer maybe for the cost of a 45.

Also with the pontoons jumping around in the wind it felt pretty steady compared to the monohulls around it!

Concerned with potential berth costs/availability though due to beam (6.1 m from memory I think?). Anyone have any comments or thoughts on this? Anyone have experience with cruising sail or power cats and using visitor berths on the South Coast?

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23 Jul 2003
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If you are serious ring Brighton Marina 01273819919 for a quote there are a few down there.

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13 Jun 2003
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Had a look at her myself on Saturday.

I sail on a 35ft cat a Solaris Sunstar (owned by a good friend of mine. Its kept on a mooring in Southampton Water, not a marina so costs are comparatively low.
If you put here in a marina I should think you would be looking at a substantial premium to the equivalent monohull as she will take up a berth and half in width. In a normal marina with finger pontoons, you wouldn't be able to get anything else alongside her so you will be looking for an outside berth which may not be that readily available.
Talk to some of the marinas, see what they quote you.

As for the stability, that is the great advantage of cats. Put your beer down while you gybe in a F7 and its still there after you've completed your manoeuvre.
Despite what some people say they can be good heavy weather boats too.
See all the monos with deeply reefed sails leant over at 45 degrees showing you the colour of their antifouling while you just power along with almost no heel and substantially more canvas.
The monos will counter about not sailing so well to windward and about the slam you can get going upwind in a cat. However forsake pointing ability a few degrees and go for speed.

As you already noticed accomodation is far superior length for length, and again this is another advantage that cats have.

Overall I thought she was a good boat

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Deleted User YDKXO

We looked at this boat a couple of years ago and we were well impressed with the space especially in the master cabin and on deck and there are other advantages as well. A cat hull is easier driven than a mono hull so it needs less powerful engines and uses less fuel. They have a better ride in a head sea and are more stable in a beam sea and at anchor. Some yotties think that sailing cats can 'trip up' over the leeward hull in a very big beam sea but I dont think this is an issue with a power cat because its got the speed to outrun any really bad weather
Obviously the major prob is where to moor it and generally marinas charge about 50% extra for a cat compared to the equivalent monohull but the real issue is can you actually find a berth especially in the Solent. Actually, I think the Lagoon is excessively beamy, maybe because its based on a sailing cat hull (??) but I think we're going to see more powercats in the future because they more fuel efficient than a monohul

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