Lady Godiva


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16 May 2001
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That Barry D rang me at home last night to tell me all about the new Rinker 310 that his wife Heidi has insisted on him buying.

I congratulated him on moving up so soon then casually reminded him on our bet made with witnesses last November.

It was on the delivery trip when I stated that he would either sell up and get out or trade up within a year. No chance he said. So we stuck a fiver on it.

Mind you, I did expect him to last past February and at least take the boat out on his own before changing it.

So good luck to Barry, and now you can join us on a July cruise to the Channel Islands. As can any other like minded consenting adults.

Now what can I spend the Fiver on?

Bag of chips in the back of a Cortina for TraceyandSteve?

30 seconds supply of Alcopops for Pauline?

Any others?

Dave S


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10 Sep 2001
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SWMBO is bottling...

Ha that £5 might be safe, so no chips for the bad boy from Kent. SWMBO is going round and round in circles.

"Yes you can have a new boat" Oh good
"No you can't" er... why not?
"Why do you want a brand new one?" Warranty
"Get an older one" No warrenty
"I like that one"... Well so do I but see that number at the bottom...
"Hmm that's nice" It's also 40 feet long and we can't park that in the marina
"Get a flybridge" And how is short person supposed to cope?

So from being an almost done deal runnning down the groove it's a bit of a mess again. And by the way I've had a number of offers to cover the £5 bet and just buy something decent. Why does no one like MVII?

Barry D.

"No, No, no - come off the plane before entering the lock..."


Well-known member
29 Jul 2001
Just a few cables from Boulters Lock
Re: SWMBO is bottling...

>>>Why does no one like MVII? <<<
Well Barry, I syuppose we are all being influenced by you really! If you dont like MVII why should we...........!

If I may add a sage word or two of wisdom from the lofty heights of being old enough to be your Dad I think I would hang on to MVII for the coming season and use it as a getting familiarised base to build on for a well considered next move.
If SWMBO decides for herself that SHE would like something larger and more comfortable your path will be so much smoother ansd theres nothing like experiencing 'too small' over a period of time to change attitiudes to getting a bigger boat. Lets face it, you've hardly used MVII yet and she even less so a little familiarisation time wont hurt that much. Also, you've got a berth now and youve spent some dosh getting MVII sorted adnd it cant be that bad or you wouldnt have bought it in the first place cos you're a bright guy - right?

This way you'll also see lots of other boats in their natural environment and form a wider picture of the type of boat you'd like next - as well as being able to say to SWMBP (persuaded!!) 'that one looks nice dear' or even hear SWMBP say it herself! Then you know your on the way.........!

You know it makes you'll probably ignore me.!



16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Re: SWMBO is bottling...

Exelent advise. Now please advise me on how to tell SWMBO that the sea will never get rough this summer and she will never get sick. Then I'll send you the browny points.



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10 Sep 2001
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Never ignore you Boatone!

But "carpe diem" does that mean sieze the day or sack the fish? - And I like MVII she's cheap, chuckable and the odd scratch or two won't hurt. Whilst not getting in many sea miles we've lived on board her for quite a few weekends during the winter - so there are some shortcomings we are fully aware of (headroom and bustle room being the main ones!). To bring her up to the minimal standard we want then we are looking at spending a further £6k on her - and she will still be sold this year as she does not have enough space downstairs for us.

Barry D.

"No, No, no - come off the plane before entering the lock..."


Well-known member
29 Jul 2001
Just a few cables from Boulters Lock
Re: Please don\'t talk him out of it

Dont worry Pauline.nobody ever does what I tell 'em...!

As you will see in his reply to my post this time is no exception so I have probably succeeded in hardening his resolve to proceed. Maybe now he'll get on with it instead of all this -' will he-wont he' buggering about!

Enjoy the champagne - cant stand the bloody stuff.....

Oh yes..arent there any really interesting pics of the birthday????? (know what I mean - nudge nudge????)



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6 Oct 2001
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Re: Oh dear

No Rinkers now come with diesels which has imprved their popularity again.

See cumbrian boat centre.



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31 Jan 2002
Port Solent
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Re: Please don\'t talk him out of it

Alright!!... how many years is it, do you get this male menopause thing called 'Irritable Male Syndrome'..obviously you do, or you wouldn't mention BIRTHDAYS quite so often, in so many places, "do you feel anger that no one is taking any notice this evening" (said in quiet relationship counsellor voice).

Its Friday, everyone else is out having fun, except us. I'm the mouse at home that cant go out to play because Im babysitting. The cat is already out in Lowestoft.


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7 Sep 2001
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Re: Please don\'t talk him out of it

And I'm up to my arse in oilbase mud! So can't go out anyway and no booze!


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16 May 2001
Burnham-on-Crouch Essex
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I'd rather have a kebab if it's all the same to you :eek:)

By the way, if all goes well when we bring our new boat back from Southampton at the end of March, we'll be looking to join you on the Channel Islands jaunt in the summer.



11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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£5 witness speaks

DaveS defintitely due his fiver upon upgrade.

However, I can understand Boatone's advice that BarryD has hardly yet done a season. So, praps not leap at the very first thing, i wd say?

Barry, the R31 won't be the end of it. Destination boats are usually a bit bigger than this, 31 still a transition, specially for 6'5" tall people.

Agree re the flybridge BUT...praps you'll find that short person (and there's only one) will be okay, same as when he's on the dodgy climbing frames and ooer cripes hold on blimminek.

For UK boating I wd go flybridge or command bridge T36 for nice sitting indoors without poncing about with canvas things all the time.

Oh, and you *will* be able to get the thing into the marina of your choice - provided that you buy the boat from the same marina - or even if you buy from a nearby marina and make it a condition of sale.

Not sure about the LPG things at all. Would definitely hang off until a diesel is acceptable to SWMBO. Everyone knows that LPG is v dangerous and ooer. Have you any bombs, explosives, firearms, or LPG is what they ask on the Eurotunnel. Your current boat is at least somethig you can get out of and since it only cost 12grand (probly 15 really with slight lie factor added) won't be too hard to get rid. Not so R31, imho, altho i was right last time, and so was DaveS, and he's got a T36.

Best thing, get SWMBO to promise to blimmin earn some more dosh to aford ridiculously large boat for sale in marina of yr choice, financed if nec via mortgage extension.

Oh, last thing, Boatone, kindly replace use of word "sensible" when giving advice regarding buying large boat with "less ridiculous" or "less outrageous" or suchlike. There's no "sensible" option, other than to not buy a boat at all, cept then we'd be like all the others who watch us instead of do it themselves, and never experince the joy of a teak steering wheel. You only live once!


Well-known member
29 Jul 2001
Just a few cables from Boulters Lock
Re: £5 witness speaks

Hey tcm.I know you're absolutely brimming over with the headiness of taking delivery of Diana II but please dont accuse me of things I havent said..!
Just read and reread my post above and cant see any use of the word 'sensible' at all !!!!!!!!! Bloody hell, we're talking boats here.where does 'sensible' come into it <BG>
As for the comment re the teak steering wheel - bit below the belt that I thought..........went down today to put it on now stainless one's off and still couldnt do it . needs different taper adaptor .sh* weekend and I'll have the bugger!

However refurbed dash panels looking almost as good as the Leopards IMHO.........
