Kormoran 5m repair work


Well-known member
13 Sep 2008
Far away from hooray henrys
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Kormoran 5m ..... a number were produced in Poland during Soviet era and used by Marine Schools in a number of 'Soviet Ports'. 5 of them were in Ventspils, Latvia. When independencia came ---- 3 of them disappeared ...

I managed to secure one and another appeared later converted to motor ...

They were originally offered in various form ... twin drop keel as I have with mast and sails .... or motor version.

They are in all honesty - terrible sail boats ... 10m fwd .. 5m sideways ! But they are actually very good boats to teach people on.

Mine has suffered damage over the years and finally I have decided to have it repaired ....

Part 1 :

Part 2 :

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