Karpaz Gate Marina - The Truth


13 Jan 2009
Sailing SE Asia
There are various rumours being banded about and we have received a number of e-mails etc. asking us about Karpaz Gate Marina and what is going on or has gone on. I must point out that the marina is lovely, clean, and modern and set in a beautiful and scenic area. But the rest of it well read on.

The below details are based on fact and not hear say. I was there, I was involved and at time of writing I am still there.

On 24th August 2011 a staff member of the Karpaz Gate Marina was electrocuted and died despite efforts of other members of staff and yachties to resuscitate him. Since then all pontoons at the marina have been without electric and water (the water is controlled via electronic valves, no electric no water).

It would appear (subject to confirmation from the official investigation report) that the sub mains cables supplying the pontoon feeder pillars had been installed in such a manner that the insulation had been chafed /worn away exposing the live conductor which ultimately had made contact with the pontoon metalwork. Unfortunately, the pontoons were not correctly bonded to earth and the earth protection relays were not set correctly. The member of staff stood (barefoot) on the metalwork of the pontoon and grabbed hold of the handrails of a steel boat, thus creating the path to earth. One person received a shock releasing him from the boat (he and the rescuer then fell into the water). At least 3 other persons (including myself) received electric shocks whilst in the water and grabbing hold of the pontoon during the rescue attempt.

The MD and another Director of Sea Alliance Group (the marina management company) were at the marina at the time and for a number of days following the incident. I personally spoke to the MD who in my opinion was very blasé about the whole affair but did tell me that the installation had been tested by the local authority and given the all clear just a few days before the incident and that once they had sight of the official report they would hold a meeting with all berth holders and explain what had happened, what KGM would do to resolve the issue and ensure all its customers safety.

On 27th August I wrote (via the Marina Office Manager) to the Directors of KGM requesting various information: Copy of Official Report, Details of Actions KGM will be undertaking to make safe and re-supply, How KGM will ensure access to Electric and Water in the interim period, details of KGM First Aider and location of First Aid Station, Copy of KGM Health, Safety and Environmental policy which according to the T’s & C’s should have been provided at the time of granting the Berth Licence.

After numerous e-mail back and forth between myself and Office Manager (who has stated that she forwarded my e-mail to the Directors on 27th August – no I don’t believe her) to date the Directors have not even had the common decency to respond, even to say they had received my mail.

Yesterday 5th Sep we had a meeting with the Marina Harbour Master who informed us that:
1. KGM have carried out their own investigations and that:
a. Some of the cables are damaged.
b. The Earth to the Pontoons is not correct.
2. KGM will be carrying modifications to the system to make it Safe.
3. The official Report should be issued this week but then it may be next week or even later.
4. KGM will need to review the official report and instigate any of its recommendations that KGM have not already covered.
5. The local authority had tested the installation prior to the incident and passed it as safe to operate.
6. The local authority will re-test the installation after all the remedial works have been carried out and approve re-energisation.
7. He anticipates taking some 3 days per pontoon for the remedial works (that’s without knowing what is involved).
8. He confirms that should all the cables need replacing (quite likely looking at them) there is sufficient cable on site and having to wait for it to be shipped from Spain is not an issue.
9. The original design had the cables enclosed in a PVC trough which was omitted on review by the local authority. All the cables are single sheath insulated unarmoured.
10. The rest of the Marina (Showers, toilets, office, and restaurant) are all still live and working and are deemed safe as the local authority has tested and approved it.
11. He is 1st Aid trained and that all staff will be undergoing 1st Aid Training.
12. The KGM Health, Safety and Environmental policy is in Turkish and needs translating.

We have suggested that communication between KGM and berth holders is improved and that regular (weekly) e-mails to all berth holders (those here, those away and those still to arrive) should be sent out giving updates of the situation and when facilities will be available. (There is still no Laundry, Mini Market, Chandlers, and Travel Hoist etc). I doubt this will happen but no harm in asking.

When we arrived here (19th Aug) we were told that the Laundry and Mini Market would be open at the beginning of Sep, people here before us were told an earlier date. To date neither is open, although we have been told the laundry will open in the next few days. No new date for Mini Market. The Travel Hoist we are informed will be approx 3 weeks, however the hard standing is not complete so at present no where to park boats. As for Chandlers well don’t ask. The nearest is 50+ mile away. Despite what they are and have said the Marina is NOT a port of entry and is unlikely to be for the foreseeable future.

It is my opinion that the electric and water will still not be on this time next month (I’d love them to prove me wrong).

The restaurant / bar are open. Beer 8TL, Wine (glass) 10TL, Coffee 8TL, Club Sandwich 20TL and a Fillet Steak 40TL.

The nearest shopping is in a village called Yenierinkoy 7km away with no bus service. There are buses to Famagusta (6am & 7am going there, 11am, 1pm & 5pm coming back) takes 1.5 hours each way and costs 8Tl per person each way.

Car hire at present is around 15 – 20 Euro per day and only one company(the most expensive) which allows the car to cross the border to Southern Cyprus but you need to purchase additional insurance. You can hire cars (even more expensive) from Southern Cyprus and travel to Northern Cyprus but again you need to purchase additional insurance.

So anyone on route, unless you intend to park up and go home I suggest you slow down until there is electric and water and at least a mini market. Those intending to stay over winter need to seriously think about transport (car share etc.) as this place is very very isolated. Not even any safe and comfortable anchorages that you can sail out to.

If anyone wants any further info by all means contact me. But please contact the Marina and let everyone know what they are willing to come up with. Remember the RATS which the Marina stated were “Mouses”. Well yesterday they confirmed they were BIG RATS.


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1 Mar 2005
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Karpaz Marina

A most comprehensive report, and sad to hear of a fatality and near death situation for rescuers.

This forum is beyond doubt invaluable to boaters, who by having up to date information relayed in a structured fashion as in this report, may make up thier minds more readily as to where to visit or keep their boats.

My grateful thanks for one.

Good sailing and boating to all.


New member
13 Dec 2006
Good to have up dated info, we almost headed to Kappaz from Paphos but when we told the the Greek Cypriot harbour master where we were headed he started making phone calls and secured us a semi perm berth at Larnaca something we had been trying to do for 5 years with no luck.

However in the last 4 weeks the Pontoons at Larnaca have been declared unsafe with boat owners (150) being told they have to remove their boats from the water.

I have walked all the pontoons here when we arrived a few weeks ago and could not believe how bad they are that was before the local paper exposed the state of the whole marina.


I dont hold my breth that something will happen quickly this is Cyprus and whether north or south they struggle to get their act together it sounds like you were lucky only one person was killed it could have easily been much worse

I would agree with your warning to everyone think twice before heading this way as berthing space is very difficult to find and likely to get worse in the short to mid term


13 Jan 2009
Sailing SE Asia
As of 1200hrs local time today 15 November the power & water to C & D pontoon has been restored. We are led to believe the remaining pontoons will be restored in the next week or so.

Now all that is missing is an ATM, Mini Market, Chandlers, Gym, more than 2 showers, hand washing facilities, Fuel and Port of Entry.


24 Jan 2011
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We came through Karpas gate recently (October) and were horrified at the overnight price 60 euros/night (14M) and no power or water on the pontoon so we stayed on the sea wall. Whatever you do, don't plan on using KGM as an overnight stop.
P.S. there are rumours of a second worker killed there.


13 Jan 2009
Sailing SE Asia
Lets squash rumours. We have no knowledge of any further incidents or deaths.

As for price, well we are 1 of the 100 free berths. I certainly would not pay to stay here. Its a safe winter berth as long as you don't require any form of service.


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7 May 2005
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Having visited the Karpaz gate marina whilst under construction and most recently in September this year.
The standard of consruction is very good indeed.
It was confirmed that a member of staff had been killed by faulty electrics.

Without doubt the Republic of Cyprus (southern Cyprus) will do its very best to stop, hinder and prevent yachts from visiting the North of Cyprus.

I am en route to KGM from Glasgow. I hope to arrive late 2012. Clearly some issues have emerged as the marina has approached completion. The marina and indeed the TRNC economy needs visiting yachts to support it.

The history of Cyprus and its ongoing problems need international exposure so that the nothern region which is very beautifull can become more readily accessed by yachts and visitors generally.


15 Dec 2010
Turkey, Greece, UK
Visit site
The history of Cyprus and its ongoing problems need international exposure so that the nothern region which is very beautifull can become more readily accessed by yachts and visitors generally.

The writing of history, whilst tending to be done by victors (and therefore fundementally biased) can also be clouded by the volume of nations, and one-sided politics!
However, North Cyprus is easily accessed by anyone, visiting yachtsmen or not! It has regular flights and ferries (admittedly only from Turkey), with it's own border control etc.


Well-known member
29 Jul 2009
Winter in Falmouth, summer on board Rampage.
Without getting too deeply mired in the thing, the Turks invaded the north of Cyprus and installed a pupet regime there. Since that time, no other nation has recognised the fiction of an independent Northern Cyprus. It is for that reason that there are no transport links to other nations and why there are problems in transiting from north to south. Pause to think on that before trying to paint the inhabitants of the occupied area of Cyprus as deserving of help and encouragement.


15 Dec 2010
Turkey, Greece, UK
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Without getting too deeply mired in the thing, the Turks invaded the north of Cyprus and installed a pupet regime there. Since that time, no other nation has recognised the fiction of an independent Northern Cyprus. It is for that reason that there are no transport links to other nations and why there are problems in transiting from north to south. Pause to think on that before trying to paint the inhabitants of the occupied area of Cyprus as deserving of help and encouragement.

Oh dear, clearly another misled soul!
Turkey, Great Britain and Greece were/are the guarantors of the Republic of Cyprus, and its constitution. Following a Greek uprising, which reneged on the constitution, including the requirement of an element of proportional representation (Greek/Turkish origin) in governmental positions, the Island errupted into a state of "civil" war, funded and supported with arms supplied from mainland greece.
This resulted in a number of massacres bordering on what is commonly now described as ethnic cleansing!
Turkey petitioned both the British Government and Greece (as guarantors of the state to intercede. They both declined, effectively going back on their word!
Turkey then sent troops to protect the Turkish citizens and stop the slaughter, I am certain that like most conflicts of this nature there was slaughter on both sides!
They have remained ever since. This has obviously been exaserbated by hundreds of years of war between both parties! The situation is not helped by the EU allowing, what is recognised as the Republic of Cyprus into Europe, despite that clear EU Directives that no state can acceed to membership while having a border dispute!:eek:


23 Aug 2001
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Oh dear, clearly another misled soul!
Turkey, Great Britain and Greece were/are the guarantors of the Republic of Cyprus, and its constitution. Following a Greek uprising, which reneged on the constitution, including the requirement of an element of proportional representation (Greek/Turkish origin) in governmental positions, the Island errupted into a state of "civil" war, funded and supported with arms supplied from mainland greece.
This resulted in a number of massacres bordering on what is commonly now described as ethnic cleansing!
Turkey petitioned both the British Government and Greece (as guarantors of the state to intercede. They both declined, effectively going back on their word!
Turkey then sent troops to protect the Turkish citizens and stop the slaughter, I am certain that like most conflicts of this nature there was slaughter on both sides!
They have remained ever since. This has obviously been exaserbated by hundreds of years of war between both parties! The situation is not helped by the EU allowing, what is recognised as the Republic of Cyprus into Europe, despite that clear EU Directives that no state can acceed to membership while having a border dispute!:eek:



New member
13 Dec 2006

As Duncan has mentioned no real probs entering the TRNC from turkey or from the Republic of Cyprus (the south) in fact we go quite regularly for market day in Famagusta however thats by road and access is open with no great hassle just get you passport stamped by the TRNC people when entering or leaving,
Also no problems sailing from mainland Turkey to a port of entry in South Cyprus.
The odd situation is that although there is free access from north to south to north by land it is forbidden to do so by sea from north to south with arrest and having the boat impounded the result if you do attempt it.

As to the rights or wrongs of visiting the TRNC thats up to everyone to judge for themselves my only comment would be that lots of Greek Cypriots do visit regularly many i know go across to Gamble (casino's are legal there) shopping and fuel being cheaper there they take advantage of this.

Also while the building industry was booming over recent years a very high percentage of building workers were from the north being cheaper to employ and being paid cash in hand by the Greek cypriot developers so no trace of funds or employer liability.

its a sad situation that the island is divided however if anyone is interested there is an excellent book on the Cyprus problem (as it is know locally)

The Cyprus Conspiracy by Brendan O'Mally and Ian Craig independant very well researched and very enlightening, and voted Gardian book of the year when it was released

I have also read two other books one bought in Famagusta and very biased to the Turkish side and one lent to me by my neighbour who is a displaced refugee from the north which is very biased to the Greek point of view.

I am now a resident in The Republic (the south) and am quite sad that i cannot easily cruise the whole coast of my chosen home but i knew this before sailing here

you pays your money and takes your choice


Well-known member
29 Jul 2009
Winter in Falmouth, summer on board Rampage.
No not mislead, just have never seen the Turkish invasion for anything other than what it was: an invasion. If they were exercising their powers under the treaty guarantee, the first requirement was to obtain the assistance of the other treaty powers - UK and Greece. Clearly Greece would not participate but the UK failed to agree either. That should have stopped the Turks. That said, they did intevene; what they should have done, under the treaty, was to impose order as they believed they were required to do and then WITHDRAW to leave the Cypriot population to determine their own future.

Nearly 40 years on they still haven't gone home - why not? If the Turks are so massively in the right, why is it that no other nation recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus?

Unilateral armed action usually fails to resolve complex inter ethnic problems and this is a classic example of what not to do which has had a lasting effect on both communities on the island. Time for the Turks to pack up and go home perhaps?
Last edited:


15 Dec 2010
Turkey, Greece, UK
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No not mislead, just have never seen the Turkish invasion for anything other than what it was: an invasion. If they were exercising their powers under the treaty guarantee, the first requirement was to obtain the assistance of the other treaty powers - UK and Greece. Clearly Greece would not participate but the UK failed to agree either. That should have stopped the Turks. That said, they did intevene; what they should have done, under the treaty, was to impose order as they believed they were required to do and then WITHDRAW to leave the Cypriot population to determine their own future.

Nearly 40 years on they still haven't gone home - why not? If the Turks are so massively in the right, why is it that no other nation recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus?

Unilateral armed action usually fails to resolve complex inter ethnic problems and this is a classic example of what not to do which has had a lasting effect on both communities on the island. Time for the Turks to pack up and go home perhaps?

Monday 15 July 1974, Greece staged a “bloody” coup in the Republic of Cyprus, organised and supported by the then military Junta from Athens. (International Press reporting) The aim of this invasion was to establish Union with Greece (Enosis). The democratically elected (Greek) president Makarios was deposed, thereafter the “coupists” installed Nicos Samson (known murderer of British and Turkish Cypriots) as president of the declared “Hellenic Republic of Cyprus”

During the coup (remember this was 5 days before the Turks arrived!) over 3000 Greek Cypriots (Makarios supporters and supporters of the Communist party) were killed (by Greek insurgents) and an ethnic cleansing plan called “AKRITAS” was put into place in order to exterminate Turkish Cypriots.

Makarios, (this is the democratically elected President of the Republic of Cyprus, and an Arch Bishop in the Greek Orthadox Church) escaped and arrived in New York to address the UN Security Council on Friday 19TH July 1974.
In his speech, he accused Greece of invasion, removing the democratic rights all peoples of Cyprus, and the independence and sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus. He went on to say much more that was damning, only of the Greek Government! Makarios, in his speech, called on the world to stop this bloodshed in Cyprus as soon as possible and he interpreted the situation in Cyprus as a 'real tragedy'.

Turkey, having exhausted appeals with Britain (Wilson-PM and Callaghan-FM) and the US (Kissinger I believe) intervened in the island to fulfil its obligation under the Treaty of Guarantee, choosing to ignore Greece, as the islands invaders and the perpetrators of the coup.

More importantly however, the Turkish intervention was upheld by the Standing Committee of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe which admitted the legality of the Turkish Intervention in Cyprus and issued a resolution saying: "Turkey exercised its right of intervention in accordance with Article IV of the Treaty of Guarantee". (29th July J974)

Even the Athens Court of Appeal, in its decision of March 21, 1979, also held that the intervention of Turkey in Cyprus was legal: ".... The Turkish military intervention in Cyprus which was carried out in accordance with the Zurich and London Agreements was legal. Turkey, as one of the Guarantor powers, had the right to fulfil her obligations. The real culprits... are the Greek Officers who engineered and staged a coup and prepared the conditions for this intervention." (Decision No. 2658/79 23 March 1979)

Why the Turks have stayed so long, is more about peace-keeping in the earlier years and now the politicians, I suspect with a lack of agreement on so many issues not least of which is “Enosis” – Union with Greece, which as I understand it is not allowed under the terms of the original Treaty for establishing the Republic of Cyprus, or indeed the original Constitution.
But never let facts get in the way of a good yarn! ;)


New member
18 Apr 2006
Greece in Summer, Southampton in Winter
And I think it's very polite of you not to mention the very sad history of how unification between N & S (well on the cards as a condition of Cyprus joining EU) was eventually sabotaged by bad EU timing. Greek Cyprus was accepted into the EU on an understanding that re-union would occur. They then promptly used their EU veto to prevent Turkish Cyprus being accepted.


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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And I think it's very polite of you not to mention the very sad history of how unification between N & S (well on the cards as a condition of Cyprus joining EU) was eventually sabotaged by bad EU timing. Greek Cyprus was accepted into the EU on an understanding that re-union would occur. They then promptly used their EU veto to prevent Turkish Cyprus being accepted.

Another example of the important rules of the EU being blatantly ignored, to further the politicians desire for a unified Europe at any cost. I don't think Cyprus even qualified for the funding/debt rules either being a complete fudge and lies about the state of their finances. Ostriches

Satsuma's history lesson is about the fairest I have yet seen. I have every sympathy with the Turks on this one.


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11 Nov 2007
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At the end of the day the Greeks will probably never allow the Turks in, as too many of them see Greece as the natural successor to the Eastern Roman Empire (which was really Greek) and that the big project is the recreation of that empire which means the take over of the whole of Turkey. They were only stopped from achieving this in 1920 by Ataturk, hence his heroic status in Turkey


Well-known member
29 Jul 2007
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At the end of the day the Greeks will probably never allow the Turks in, as too many of them see Greece as the natural successor to the Eastern Roman Empire (which was really Greek) and that the big project is the recreation of that empire which means the take over of the whole of Turkey. They were only stopped from achieving this in 1920 by Ataturk, hence his heroic status in Turkey

Oh dear, they (Greeks) can't even cope with what they've got never mind looking to get more.

Paranoia from the Greeks or aspirations of (re)patriation that far east means a certain war, this will not be openly allowed by any quarter........................

Or look at it another way though, part of the next/or last payment/hand out (circa 33%) from the EU has to be used/spent in buying aircraft from France and weapons from Germany as part of the hand out agreement.......

Very strange, who knows what's going on in this world at the moment???

10 Dec 2001
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Monday 15 July 1974, Greece staged a “bloody” coup in the Republic of Cyprus, organised and supported by the then military Junta from Athens. (International Press reporting) The aim of this invasion was to establish Union with Greece (Enosis). The democratically elected (Greek) president Makarios was deposed, thereafter the “coupists” installed Nicos Samson (known murderer of British and Turkish Cypriots) as president of the declared “Hellenic Republic of Cyprus”

During the coup (remember this was 5 days before the Turks arrived!) over 3000 Greek Cypriots (Makarios supporters and supporters of the Communist party) were killed (by Greek insurgents) and an ethnic cleansing plan called “AKRITAS” was put into place in order to exterminate Turkish Cypriots.

Makarios, (this is the democratically elected President of the Republic of Cyprus, and an Arch Bishop in the Greek Orthadox Church) escaped and arrived in New York to address the UN Security Council on Friday 19TH July 1974.
In his speech, he accused Greece of invasion, removing the democratic rights all peoples of Cyprus, and the independence and sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus. He went on to say much more that was damning, only of the Greek Government! Makarios, in his speech, called on the world to stop this bloodshed in Cyprus as soon as possible and he interpreted the situation in Cyprus as a 'real tragedy'.

Turkey, having exhausted appeals with Britain (Wilson-PM and Callaghan-FM) and the US (Kissinger I believe) intervened in the island to fulfil its obligation under the Treaty of Guarantee, choosing to ignore Greece, as the islands invaders and the perpetrators of the coup.

More importantly however, the Turkish intervention was upheld by the Standing Committee of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe which admitted the legality of the Turkish Intervention in Cyprus and issued a resolution saying: "Turkey exercised its right of intervention in accordance with Article IV of the Treaty of Guarantee". (29th July J974)

Even the Athens Court of Appeal, in its decision of March 21, 1979, also held that the intervention of Turkey in Cyprus was legal: ".... The Turkish military intervention in Cyprus which was carried out in accordance with the Zurich and London Agreements was legal. Turkey, as one of the Guarantor powers, had the right to fulfil her obligations. The real culprits... are the Greek Officers who engineered and staged a coup and prepared the conditions for this intervention." (Decision No. 2658/79 23 March 1979)

Why the Turks have stayed so long, is more about peace-keeping in the earlier years and now the politicians, I suspect with a lack of agreement on so many issues not least of which is “Enosis” – Union with Greece, which as I understand it is not allowed under the terms of the original Treaty for establishing the Republic of Cyprus, or indeed the original Constitution.
But never let facts get in the way of a good yarn! ;)
This is an accurate account of the facts. I was living there on a British Sovereign Base Area in July 1974.