Does anyone have a part number (or a spare) for this bracket ? It's bolt is firmly stuck to the side of this alternator. I've tried WD40, heating, hitting etc etc, but it will not budge. Any other ideas ?
I had the same issue a few years back - its because of the raw water from the impellar housing (forget the name) Strainer above it.
looking as you have it off the engine - soak the bolt are with wd and try and work the bolt loose with back and forth movements.
worse case scenario
cut the head off the bolt as close as you can - that will separate the alternator from the bracket
put wd 40 around the now stud (bolt ) into the hole
now you could try working it back and forth with a pair of mole grips
if at this stage it doesn't shift
carefully drill it out at the centre with a small drill bit then use a bigger drill bit
eventually it will be out and clear.
Patience is a must