Just completed my first channel crossing!


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7 Jan 2021
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i sailed solo from Yarmouth bouys to St Vaas yesterday. Feeling pleased with myself. Tried the day before from Priory Bay but close hauled into 30 knot gusts after a very rolly and a dragged anchor night was foolhardy. Turned round after a 1.5 hrs and 5 Nm anchored in the shelter of Osborne Bay. Regrouped and tried again on Friday. Very easy passage with better wind angle going from the Needles. Set the autopilot to 165 degrees and didnt touch it again until I need to avoid some pots off St Vaas. Had a mouch about the market this morning, just had a late lunch now a nap before going to see a band in a tabac tonight. All wonderful, could get used to this cruising lifestyle. 😀


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7 Jan 2021
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What is the currenr procedure for entry into France when using a minor port such as St vaast? I thought we had to check in at one of the selected larger ports like cherbourg first.
I just emailed a form I found on this forum and haven’t given it another thought. Marina check in didn’t ask any questions. Haven’t seen any one official other than a traffic warden organising the market!


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17 Jun 2008
Surrey and Gosport UK
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Lovely restaurants to be found. When we were last there a useful street market where everyone mingled. Arrived at a local restaurant and had to put on our mask to walk to the table. Just before the real shut down started and someone said you could not travel to your boat.


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14 Feb 2007
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Lovely restaurants to be found. When we were last there a useful street market where everyone mingled. Arrived at a local restaurant and had to put on our mask to walk to the table. Just before the real shut down started and someone said you could not travel to your boat.
The place to go used to be Les Fuschias. We enjoyed several meals there but it was a good few years ago.


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7 Jan 2021
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Thanks for all your positive comments. despite St Vaas being lovely getting itchy feet and looking forward to the next sail. Forecast looks a bit iffy but maybe Cherbourg on Monday looking forward to the strong SW more than potential administration.


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7 Jan 2021
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The place to go used to be Les Fuschias. We enjoyed several meals there but it was a good few years ago.
Having read some feedback made a beeline there to book a table but sign says restaurant is closed and they appear to be focusing on the hotel


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7 Jan 2021
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The place to go used to be Les Fuschias. We enjoyed several meals there but it was a good few years ago.
Having read some feedback made a beeline there to book a table but sign says restaurant is closed and they appear to be focusing on the hotel


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13 Mar 2017
None of your nosey business
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Well done Skipper - on both decisions.
I once set out in my Moody 336 on a crewed night passage to Mull of Kintyre then beyond. Approaching Sanda Island at dawn, on a beam reach the wind from the north was strengthening and sea building. It didn't feel right to carry on to MoK where a north going tide against a northerly wind would have been interesting... Anchored at Sanda, had a sleep, then went to the pub. Brilliant sail next day to Rathlin Island.
Your and my decisions were simply seamanship which can't be taught, and took some swallowing of pride to alter the plan.
One never sets sail going to somewhere - it is towards an intended destination.


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21 Sep 2012
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Check with Cherbourg that all the race boats have gone after last week - they were not accepting visitors during the Fastnet (and weirdly for about 3 weeks before with acres of perfectly good dockside taped off in red. Only when I grabbed a staff member in a dinghy and promised I only wanted one night and would leave regardless of weather the next day did he grudgingly allow us to move off the waiting pontoon (no shore access) to the almost empty, taped off visitor pontoon - and then charged £77 for the night for the privilege )


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7 Jan 2021
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Little update. Sailed from St Vaas to Cherbourg today 6 hrs berth to berth And the most hairy sail I have ever had as skipper. Under estimated the sea state from a F5 gusting F6 over tide. I had to close the hatch so much water was breaking over the decks. All good fun looking back but a bit terrifying at the time.

The Police turn up at Cherbourg at 09.00 and 1800 every day to stamp you in and out. No issues with having been in St Vaas for the weekend they just back dated the in stamp And stamped me out today so I can leave early for the Solent tomorrow.

all very easy, obviously not as good as freedom of movement but certainly not a reason to not visit.

does anyone know if I should notify UK border patrol when I return? as far as they know I could have been to the IoW for the weekend.


Well-known member
17 Jun 2008
Surrey and Gosport UK
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Hopefully you will be able to unwind this evening in the captainiere and pleased that you avoided the lobster pots and fishermen which are the main hazards of St V . If all else fails a walk to the carrefour provides some exercise and plenty of vitals for the return across the channel. As for notification it seems to be the fashion to hoist the Q flag and I think mail a form but I many posts on topic on forum.