Johnson 50 problems please help


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18 May 2014
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Johnson 50 hp problem
Hi lads I got a Johnson 2003 50 hp 4 stroke which I am told is just a repainted
And decaled sazuki engine . Anyway took it out for first trip of the year yesterday from the off. Had a problem with the fuel bulb collapsing so took the bulb off and direct fed the engine with out primer bulb problem solved engine running ok were out for a hour and decided to change mark had her up on the plane for about 5 mins a buzzer sounded with a light on the gauge a bulb shape with a ! In it . I killed the engine right away . Sat for a minute wondering what the **** was wrong went back through start up turned the ignition on after a few seconds the four led lights came on a short beep and the four lights went out as normal and it started fine . I limped her about and cleaned the telltail and got a little dirt out as I though it was not streaming as strong as normal . We run the rest of the day mostly in long drifts and heading back up tide no more lights or buzzers but still a bit concerned . Can anyone tell me what the light with the ! Is for engine check ? Atb Chester


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16 May 2001
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Usual cause of collapse fuel primer bulb is forgetting to open the tank vent

I don't know what the bulb symbol with ! means but if it is really a bulb symbol it might be warning there is no net charge, ie the battery is draining faster than it is charging. However, I suspect it is actually an engine symbol (circle with rectangle above it, sort of looks like upside down light bulb, a bit) and therefore the engine's brain will have a logged a fault. From the info you give there is nothing to go on as to what the fault could be. You could take it to a dealer to read the engine's memory on their laptop

jamie langstone

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22 Dec 2013
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Johnson 50 hp problem
Hi lads I got a Johnson 2003 50 hp 4 stroke which I am told is just a repainted
And decaled sazuki engine . Anyway took it out for first trip of the year yesterday from the off. Had a problem with the fuel bulb collapsing so took the bulb off and direct fed the engine with out primer bulb problem solved engine running ok were out for a hour and decided to change mark had her up on the plane for about 5 mins a buzzer sounded with a light on the gauge a bulb shape with a ! In it . I killed the engine right away . Sat for a minute wondering what the **** was wrong went back through start up turned the ignition on after a few seconds the four led lights came on a short beep and the four lights went out as normal and it started fine . I limped her about and cleaned the telltail and got a little dirt out as I though it was not streaming as strong as normal . We run the rest of the day mostly in long drifts and heading back up tide no more lights or buzzers but still a bit concerned . Can anyone tell me what the light with the ! Is for engine check ? Atb Chester

I had the 70hp johnson 4 stroke
Firstly don't worry the engine is designed to going to limp mode if a serious fault has happened to stop you killing the engine dead. The buzzer and light will sound if you have a fuel problem i.e sucking in air when running and also it will if you start over heating the engine. This will be logged on it memory so if you get a dealer to do a computer read out they can tell you all about the engine and clear any faults. Hope this helps.


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18 May 2014
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Thanks for the info lads . Since been told the light ! In it is a check engine light and it has not stayed on could of been down to fuel starvation ? Will do a search see if I can get someone to plug it in for a printout .


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28 Nov 2001
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Sounds like the "self vent" isnt self venting.

I bet JFM is right, change the self vent to an old fashioned manual vent screw and it might solve your problems.
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