JM's next article


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3 May 2002
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JM\'s next article

So there I am in the office of MBY

I skips in ed's office. This time he is taking apart an anglepoise lamp.

'we loved the last Here's Johhny. just the right mix to set up your boating credentials and introduce yourself to our readership. Like your yacht and boaty cred. brill but no you cannot have the carribean holiday.'

'oh and one thing'

'What?' i ask
'The race. '

'Don't lose it.'

'MBY does not like failure. It does not do for operatives to be seen to be beaten by a drunken scotsman with an unhealhy obsession with colregs'

From nowhere a white cat jumped onto the ed's lap. the lamp seemed to be back together and was pointing in my eyes.
he went on.
'I am sure you can manage to beat a few teenage girls and some drunken scots. even ven 5 pounds is at stake. we haff made sure you haff a big boat advantage. Donot waste it'

I could feel my heart rate rising.

the race was on

<hr width=100% size=1><font color=red>I can't walk on water, but I do run on Guinness</font color=red>


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: JM\'s next article

First off, Ihad to assemble the finest crew available. Unfortunately, the only people available were crap freelance journalists, or dreadful people from nasty places like Liverpool, so I hastily gave up and paid jimi his 10 quid.

will this do?

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