Italy locked down #C19


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6 Dec 2012
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Lockdown for most of Sicily (not all Italy) slightly eased as of today (April 19) by governor Nello Musumeci:

Most importantly, we can go for a walk (nearby) again!

Robot translation:
April 18, 2020

From tomorrow (Sunday 19 April) you can run and walk near your home and the delivery of food products can also take place on Sunday and public holidays. And, furthermore, the care of your own garden, the maintenance of parks and gardens and the setting up of the seaside resorts will be allowed. The four red areas remain in force, with some new features. A "visa" is introduced to facilitate commuter workers on the Strait of Messina. These are some of the new measures taken by an order from Governor Nello Musumeci. Measures that the President of the Sicilian Region has decided to take taking into account "an inferior spread of the contagion with respect to other parts of the national territory", which allows, therefore, to "uniformly, prudently and proportionally, the urgent containment measures already adopted in the Island »with the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers. Here are all the news.

Maintenance and management of land and green areas
The non-entrepreneurial activity necessary for the management of agricultural land and for the care of animals is permitted, as it can be traced back to a "situation of necessity" aimed at meeting food needs and maintenance work for fire prevention. The exit within the same municipality or to a municipality other than the one in which the person concerned is currently located, is allowed only once a day and to a single member of the family, or to a delegated subject. The maintenance of green and natural, public and private areas is also authorized. Activities are only allowed on weekdays.

Provisions for people with disabilities
In case of need, people with intellectual, relational or motor disabilities, with the assistance of an accompanying person, are allowed to go out for a short day and close to their home.

Motor activity and jogging
Activities will be permitted, as required by the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers.

"Red zone" provisions
In the Municipalities of Agira, Salemi, Troina and Villafrati the "red zone" remains in force, but entry will be allowed and to guarantee the activities necessary for the care and breeding of animals, as well as for activities, both entrepreneurial and otherwise, as they are connected to the biological cycle of plants, also for family sustenance.

Home delivery
All shops currently authorized on Sunday and April 25 and May 1 are closed to the public. An exception is made for pharmacies and newsagents. However, home delivery of food products and fuels for domestic use and for heating is also allowed.

Bathing facilities
The maintenance, assembly and fitting out of the bathing establishments is allowed, as well as the cleaning of the pertinent beach. The executing company is required to guarantee compliance with sector regulations, social distancing and any other measures aimed at protecting against contagion in the construction site areas, taking care to prohibit access to non-professionals.

Sanitary provisions
The provisions of the quarantine obligation remain unchanged for all those arriving in Sicily and for positive subjects in a state of home isolation.

Strait of Messina
Commuter workers crossing the Strait of Messina will have to fill in a form (attached to the ordinance) and send it to the regional civil protection department to obtain an authorization "visa". It must be shown to the control staff upon boarding to make commuting easier. The related checks will be scheduled for the first race on 22 April. The provisions relating to health control at the landing of Rada San Francesco, the Maritime Station and Tremestieri remain in force.


Well-known member
25 Jan 2020
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Lockdown eased Tuesday (5 days ago) for us in Sardinia. The Laundrette is open!! But facemasks (and gloves in supermarket) in shops etc are now mandatory. Shame everyone is constantly fidling and adjusting mask with gloved hands! Most people take it off for a chat then put mask back on again.


Well-known member
25 Jan 2020
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With some luck maybe free movement in the region starting Tuesday
I was told I could sail to another Port on Tuesday. I then explained the concept of the perfect anchorage! I will wait till July 3rd (not 4th) before heading out. It would be nice to go to Mallorca when Spanish open shop.