Italy locked down #C19


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25 Jan 2020
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All of Italy (where I am) now in lockdown.
Makes sense. Tried to go to Post office today and there was a que outside.. Only 3 people allowed in at a time. The same rule applies to pharmacy as well. So maybe Italy (I'm on a Italian island) is safest place to be for non infected? I was thinking of sailing to Mallorca but the Spanish are not taking draconian measures so probably safer here even though Spanish hospitals are amazing! The local government are trying to stop flights and maritime traffic from entering the island but 'Head Office Government' have not okayed this request yet.


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Old Harry

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29 Sep 2017
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all footy now suspended too & no gatherings

Italy is extending its strict coronavirus quarantine measures, which include a ban on public gatherings, to the entire country.

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said that people would only be permitted to travel for work or family emergencies.

He said the measures, which come into effect on Tuesday, were to defend the most fragile members of society.

Italy's coronavirus death toll jumped on Monday by 97 to 463. It is the worst-hit country after China

In a televised address on Monday, Mr Conte said that the best thing for the citizens of Italy was to stay at home.

He added that all sporting events - including football matches - were being suspended nationwide.

The restrictions are similar to those earlier applied to the worst affected Lombardy region, and 14 other provinces.


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25 Jan 2020
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Italy has second eldest population behind Japan. Sardinia has exceptional lifespans.

The Americas Cup racing here in April has been dubbed Corona Cup.


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29 Jul 2007
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all footy now suspended too & no gatherings

Italy is extending its strict coronavirus quarantine measures, which include a ban on public gatherings, to the entire country.

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said that people would only be permitted to travel for work or family emergencies.

He said the measures, which come into effect on Tuesday, were to defend the most fragile members of society.

Italy's coronavirus death toll jumped on Monday by 97 to 463. It is the worst-hit country after China

In a televised address on Monday, Mr Conte said that the best thing for the citizens of Italy was to stay at home.

He added that all sporting events - including football matches - were being suspended nationwide.

The restrictions are similar to those earlier applied to the worst affected Lombardy region, and 14 other provinces.

Now the news is total lock down for Italy. We have cancelled our drive back to Greece because I think in doing it would be total folly with so many unknowns.
I think at unprecedented times and we must take responsibility of our actions and refrain for making selfish actions of where one may catch the virus but also the chance of distributing it to others.
I can't think of anything worse than being ill and contained in a foreign country so far away from ones own environment.
I do hope this does not spoil all our summer sailings, but at the moment it's looking short or may be none existent.


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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Mass panic course mostly by the news , people buying toilet rolls by the boxes I just waiting to read the world about the end shortly .
The number are small compared with people dieing or catching the flu every year , yes we have to take precautions but let take Sensible once .
On a note on Italy lock down , up to a few moment ago most flights in Italy Sicily and Sardinia was running , so it seen the lock down isn't every where as yet , let's see how the day pains out .


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11 Mar 2002
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I think your right except at the moment ferry and airports are still running as normal,
Movement is not 100% banned. There are allowed exceptions, albeit limited.
Btw, violations are subject not only to a 200 Eur penalty (which arguably wouldn't be a huge deterrent in itself), but also to a criminal charge.


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26 Jan 2004
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Just had conformation Malta have stop all flights from Italy And Sicily and the ferry from Sicily stopping some time to day .
Look like we won't be going anywhere fast.


Well-known member
20 Mar 2002
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Mass panic course mostly by the news , people buying toilet rolls by the boxes I just waiting to read the world about the end shortly .
The number are small compared with people dieing or catching the flu every year , yes we have to take precautions but let take Sensible once .
On a note on Italy lock down , up to a few moment ago most flights in Italy Sicily and Sardinia was running , so it seen the lock down isn't every where as yet , let's see how the day pains out .
It’s already clear it’s more infectious and many times more lethal than flu so it is serious. But 99 percent of the population are expected to survive even if it spreads everywhere. I know how many people have died in my workplace of coronavirus in the last 24 hours and am watching the news carefully to confirm my belief that public reporting remains accurate.


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26 Jan 2004
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Not sure how much of any news you can believe these days ,you just got to read BBC this morning which make it sound like ltaly have come to a totally shut down , here on the ground in the real world planes are still taken off and landing , busses and trains are still working and people are still driving through the whole of Italy to get here in Sicily and life just goes on if it wasn't for every nine person wearing a face mask .
Of course it may all change in Days or weeks to come .
We had one boat leave the marina this morning another one thinking about it .
I was too until I thought that we may end up having to sit at anchor for 14 days if we arrived some where which wouldn't let us land , any other time of year it wouldn't have been too much of Problem as long as we stocked up with food , but not right now with March blows starting to arrive.


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25 Jan 2020
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We plan to sail out of Sicily by Friday but now I not sure if the ban includes Sicily and if so we not going to be able to leave .
From friends in North Sicily...

How are the Virus in Sardinia? Not many infected here on Sicily, 58 yesterday on an population of 6 mill.
But today they started huge protection. So now we are stuck here in the marina. We can take the boat out, but only for 6 hours.
If go further away, stay away longer or you are new in the harbour you have to anchor outside the marina, put your yellow flag on, call the office on the VHF, and wait until you are checked.
We are happily the weather is good and warmer and that l have a lot of knitting with me.
Hope we meet soon! It will not be a trip to Greece as we planned this spring. Not even to Albania.


Well-known member
25 Jan 2020
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There is a question in my first post! Is Italy the safest place to be if you are not infected? I think it may be at the moment. Only 3 or 4 people allowed in a pharmacy at one time.. Have not seen anyone cough or sneeze for a few days...

I would rather be in Mallorca if I was infected because they have amazing hospitals.

Leaving Italy is allowed and perfectly acceptable! However at your destination you may be asked to self isolate for a couple of weeks at anchor!