Is this the future for antifouling?


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2 Jun 2015
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I have just bought 10 square meters of Brill skin on ebay. Anyone know what glue I need to stick them to the bottom of the boat?
Answers needed ASAP as they are starting to pong.
When I went to school about 200 years ago, the woodworking lesson included using cooked bones for glue. I can smell that pot now

Why not use the above and keep the whole project "natural" .


Well-known member
18 Jun 2011
Berkshire, UK
When I went to school about 200 years ago, the woodworking lesson included using cooked bones for glue. I can smell that pot now

Why not use the above and keep the whole project "natural" .
When I was at school in Bristol in a similar epoch, we were in between a glue factory and a tannery and by a shunting yard. Whichever way the wind blew...


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19 Jun 2001
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On a more serious note
The surface of the fish has micro indents. A bit like the surface of a golf ball. My wife realised this ages ago & found the answer was to take up golf instead of go sailing with me. Now, apart from some small area she does not suffer from any crustaceans. Those that she does have can easily be removed with sandpaper & a paint scraper-- from her driver, following a huge divot
Her cure a bit like the one for sea sickness, sitting under a tree. Golf is deffo more sociable and a lot cheaper!
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Daydream believer

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6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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When I went to school about 200 years ago, the woodworking lesson included using cooked bones for glue. I can smell that pot now

Why not use the above and keep the whole project "natural" .
Scotch glue. I still have a big bag of it stored in the garden. it has got wet & congealed into one lump, but can be heated & used. I do have the iron glue pot with 2 skins to take the boiling water between, but do not have a gas heater to put beneath it any more.
I keep meaning to offer it for sale, but never get round to it. I expect someone would want it. It was used in my father's workshop for years. His 2 main glues were this & Cascamite from Bowden Chemicals. Then I used it in my joiners workshop for veneering.. Not that we did much of that as I found it cheaper to sub it out to Shawyers in Hackney
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Well-known member
2 Jun 2015
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Scotch glue. I still have a big bag of it stored in the garden. it has got wet & congealed into one lump, but can be heated & used. I do have the iron glue pot with 2 skins to take the boiling water between, but do not have a gas heater to put beneath it any more.
I keep meaning to offer it for sale, but never get round to it. I expect someone would want it. It was used in my father's workshop for years. His 2 main glues were this & Cascamite from Bowden Chemicals. Then I used it in my joiners workshop for veneering.. Not that we did much of that as I found it cheaper to sub it out to Shawyers in Hackney
Around the time, the United Dairies Milkman was still a horse and cart .When I was very young , I remember nervously feeding with it a think a cauliflower. I became quite attached to the milkman's horse. Unfortunately , the dairy went electric. I wonder if the old horse new where it was going next. Horse glue I think was considered the acme of glues.
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15 Apr 2018
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Well with all this I decided to go for some of the expensive antifoul at my local chandlery that I’ve been herring all about.

I was about to pay, when the cashier said, “this is going to sting Ray.” I said, “how much, I’m not paying that, I’m leaving here before you feel my wrasse!” The cashier said, “there’s no need to get goby, but let minnow if you change your mind”

Well the whiting was on the wall, I went back to the boat, closed the hatches and put a tarpon.

After that I went home to cheer myself up by watching Finding Nemo, but that’s a Dory for another time.


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14 Feb 2007
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Well with all this I decided to go for some of the expensive antifoul at my local chandlery that I’ve been herring all about.

I was about to pay, when the cashier said, “this is going to sting Ray.” I said, “how much, I’m not paying that, I’m leaving here before you feel my wrasse!” The cashier said, “there’s no need to get goby, but let minnow if you change your mind”

Well the whiting was on the wall, I went back to the boat, closed the hatches and put a tarpon.

After that I went home to cheer myself up by watching Finding Nemo, but that’s a Dory for another time.
Don't call us; we'll call you. ☎️


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15 Apr 2018
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That's very unkind. @GunfleetSand has been on the forum for almost 6 years and posted 108 times. He's obviously been waiting patiently to vent to his creative muse.
Fish puns a specialist subject of mine and our family come to think of it. Obviously very niche Hence low output on forum. We all help contribute where we can. I’ll try to diversify my talents in ‘24


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6 Sep 2001
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If I recall correctly this is not a new idea, I think (many years ago, back in the days dad was a lad)the MOD investigated eel slime to act as an anti foul also experimented if it reduced the 'sticking' of water to the hull therefore getting better fuel economy.


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29 Dec 2010
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Considering the posts that you have made about single handing an Osprey in the past, (To which we all dutifully paid homage) one might have suggested that you are the last one to have made such a comment. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black- as my old mum would say.
I said "Ruddy nonsense" in RUDD, the fish!

Jokes are so much less funny when someone needs to have them explained. :rolleyes:

I'll ignore your peculiar offensive remarks on the assumption that you're overtired.

Daydream believer

Well-known member
6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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I said "Ruddy nonsense" in RUDD, the fish!

Jokes are so much less funny when someone needs to have them explained. :rolleyes:

I'll ignore your peculiar offensive remarks on the assumption that you're overtired.
I had forgotten Rudd. We used to catch them in the many sand pits around Thurrock when I was a kid. Great little fish. Have not seen any for years.
& by the way-- it was a crap joke :unsure:
From both of us🤣