Active member
I've just recieved an e-mail, i have copied it on here for you all to see.
It reads as follow;
Dear Mr Richardson
Thank you for you enquiry regarding your subscription to Motor Boats Monthly. This has been passed to me to investigate.
I have checked our system, and can confirm that your subscription has been loaded and commenced with the March edition. The address label was produced and sent to our mailing house for despatch. I do apologise that you did not receive this. We have today sent you a replacement issue from our office.
The April edition is due on sale in the shops on 18th March. Please do let me know if you do not receive this.
Please accept my sincere apologies for the problems you have experienced, and for the inconvenience caused. By way of compensation, I have extended your subscription by three issues. Your next direct debit payment will now be collected in August 2004.
I do hope that you will continue to enjoy receiving your magazine on subscription. Should you require any further assistance at all, please do contact me by reply e-mail, or you can contact myself or my team by telephone on 020 7261 5691.
Yours sincerely
Sharon Lee
Customer Care Supervisor
IPC Media Ltd
King's Reach Tower
Stamford Street
Thankyou to Kim, Sharon Lee, and IPC.
I thought it interesting that i got a reply by e-mail, when i didn't give my E-address to anyone.
And on the issue of Compensation, I didn't ask for any, but i find it a very nice jesture indeed./forums/images/icons/smile.gif Thanks.
So thankyou Kim, for your intervention,
Hopefully a result at last.
Credit where Credit's due.
<hr width=100% size=1><A target="_blank" HREF=> My Pictures, Look if you want.</A>
It reads as follow;
Dear Mr Richardson
Thank you for you enquiry regarding your subscription to Motor Boats Monthly. This has been passed to me to investigate.
I have checked our system, and can confirm that your subscription has been loaded and commenced with the March edition. The address label was produced and sent to our mailing house for despatch. I do apologise that you did not receive this. We have today sent you a replacement issue from our office.
The April edition is due on sale in the shops on 18th March. Please do let me know if you do not receive this.
Please accept my sincere apologies for the problems you have experienced, and for the inconvenience caused. By way of compensation, I have extended your subscription by three issues. Your next direct debit payment will now be collected in August 2004.
I do hope that you will continue to enjoy receiving your magazine on subscription. Should you require any further assistance at all, please do contact me by reply e-mail, or you can contact myself or my team by telephone on 020 7261 5691.
Yours sincerely
Sharon Lee
Customer Care Supervisor
IPC Media Ltd
King's Reach Tower
Stamford Street
Thankyou to Kim, Sharon Lee, and IPC.
I thought it interesting that i got a reply by e-mail, when i didn't give my E-address to anyone.
And on the issue of Compensation, I didn't ask for any, but i find it a very nice jesture indeed./forums/images/icons/smile.gif Thanks.
So thankyou Kim, for your intervention,
Hopefully a result at last.
Credit where Credit's due.
<hr width=100% size=1><A target="_blank" HREF=> My Pictures, Look if you want.</A>