Insurance for singlehanders


New member
9 Oct 2001
Emsworth, Chichester Harbour, UK
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Re: Most insurance excludes it...

Very interesting thread, since currently in the market.

I've had single-handed cover since day one (1984) even though no previous experience (first boat). Originally single handed was only covered in daylight hours. After about 2 years they extended the cover on request to 24hrs with no increase in premiums but an increase to £150 excess when single handed at night....hardly a big deal.

Original insurers were YachtGuard (now bust,down in the Med I believe). After several iterations ended up with GJW. Good service so far.

It does seem there's a squeeze on this year........looks like insurers are trying to shed business. Where's our resident expert gone?? Havn't heard from him for a while.