Info and advice on the solent area #newbe 2019


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11 Jan 2019
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Hi there all . After having our little sealine 230 in boston linclonshire local to our house . We have taken the big decision to berth her down south for the season ! . The fact in boston we only managed a handful of days out in the wash this year due to tides / lock access ( non pumped on level ) taking into account the weather and work commitments etc . We thought could be fun to have the any tide access and full weekends stopping on the boat . Yes it's a 3+ hour journey each way but the scope of weekends away School hols etc etc we thought actually we can enjoy the boat more and to it's potential........stretch her legs with longer cruises rather than just days out on an 8 hour tide .

After going round a good few in our price range .We have taken a berth at Halsar as everyone seemed really nice , the price was attractive, the facilitys looked good .

The reason for my post is to ask you good folk if there are any little clubs / cruises we could get involved in ?? 1 to meet and make new friends , 2 to get to know the area a bit better / learn a little off the locals .
I've already got weekends and weeks a plenty marked on my calender and looking forward to getting out on the water .
Myself and my understanding better half are mid 30s well late 30s haha , we have a 12 year old daughter and a 17 year old son that comes on the odd occasion. We're always up for fun and quite an energetic family .

Hopefully you guys and girls can give me some useful pointers

With thanks Carl


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19 Jan 2009
Stratford on Avon
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Welcome Wilko. Some of us Solent based boaters meet up now and again for a beer and stuff. This is very informal, and will be posted up on this forum. East Cowes or Yarmouth Harbour are good places to meet, and being a D&R berther at Haslar, you will get good rates at East Cowes, 50% off on a Saturday, £0 rest of the week except busy weeks like Cowes and RTI when they are booked up, and you probably wouldn't want to be there unless you were racing a yacht.


8 Nov 2010
East Cowes
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Good bit of info there . Had a quick little look at there site and deffo worth a call once the boat is on her mooring. Thanks

Hi Wilko81,

Pathfinders is definitely a good shout and there are at least 3 member's boats in Gosport so easy to hook up with them (I'm one of them).

Fill in the details on the website or PM me and I'll give you Paul's number - he is the membership secretary.

It's a very easy going group with a lot of members forming their own friend groups and travel plans as well as the organised events. 4 of us are off to Dusseldorf tomorrow for a chaps weekend dreaming of what we can't afford :cool:




Well-known member
31 May 2007
Hi there

Initially I thought the thread was going to be someone asking where to berth their boat on the Solent and I was going to suggest Haslar, so you're one step ahead of the game already :)

We are also based in Haslar marina and I'm quite happy to spend an hour over a cup of tea chatting through the various places to visit. Most are going to be heading West into the Solent proper but there are options heading East towards Chichester and also South towards Bembridge. It's a great area in that there's something for all eventualities, full service marinas, shopping and retail, quiet wilderness, quaint old port towns, historic treasures.

Send me a private message via the forum and we can try to meet up.

Henry :)


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11 Jan 2019
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Welcome Wilko. Some of us Solent based boaters meet up now and again for a beer and stuff. This is very informal, and will be posted up on this forum. East Cowes or Yarmouth Harbour are good places to meet, and being a D&R berther at Haslar, you will get good rates at East Cowes, 50% off on a Saturday, £0 rest of the week except busy weeks like Cowes and RTI when they are booked up, and you probably wouldn't want to be there unless you were racing a yacht.

Brilliant rafiki........I'm a lover of informal and enjoying the water side over a cool one . I shall be sure to keep my eyes peeled on here for any info about gatherings and trips . Really looking forward to making the most of having the boat somewhere we can really take advantage of her .


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11 Jan 2019
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Hi Wilko81,

Pathfinders is definitely a good shout and there are at least 3 member's boats in Gosport so easy to hook up with them (I'm one of them).

Fill in the details on the website or PM me and I'll give you Paul's number - he is the membership secretary.

It's a very easy going group with a lot of members forming their own friend groups and travel plans as well as the organised events. 4 of us are off to Dusseldorf tomorrow for a chaps weekend dreaming of what we can't afford :cool:



Hi there joe . Yes I sent an email via the web site asking for a little info etc . I think it was Paul that emailed me back letting me know the plans for 2019 will be out on the site soon . Im quite sure we will become members and look forward to tagging along on as meany trips as I'm able to . I have transport booked for the boat on 2nd of March so not long to finish off the last few jobs . Quite excited about the season ahead already .

PS I could day dream all day about boats I can't afford ......I just keep telling myself one day !! One day ! . Hence why my boat is called ( Lemonade money ) as in champagne life style on lemonade money ��

Thanks Carl


Well-known member
17 Jun 2008
Surrey and Gosport UK
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Welcome to forum. We have been at Haslar for a number of years having been attracted by ease of access when afloat even if the road access is plagued by poor planning and drivers. That said sadly most decent marine locations either suffer traffic or lock issues. There is a fairly active Haslar Yacht club with a mix of mobo and yacht owners with craft in varying sizes so do have a look on website. We are not really YC people but enjoyed laying up supper in Nov and it does give a networking forum for modest costs to check out local suppliers and such like if you need any help unexpectedly etc . I know there are a number of mobo in your range e.g. Bav 33 size who will have much more info which might assist. Hopefully you have already checked out East Head at Chi Harbour and Priory Bay on the island but there is a usefulpilot book on Solent locations which although out of date in so far as hostelries are concerned unless latest one has been improved gives other suggestions. In terms of berthing at Haslar lower letters and numbers are probably better as closer to car park and less risk of disturbance from wash although all Portsmouth berths are plagued by cross channel ferry wash and Haslar is better than most .its rather annoying on trolley front if you arrive late on a Friday night as all the trolleys are on pontoons but generally security is good for access and as a berth holder parking is normally fine even for late arrivals which does reduce traffic issues. A couple of helpful chandlers in case required btw and plentiful supermarkets generally at budget end but also Waitrose in nearby Alverstoke if required .hopefully weather will be kind to you for your trip down and we might spot you in summer. Generally people seem to remain at Haslar and are helpful if any berthing issues etc.


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11 Jan 2019
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Welcome to forum. We have been at Haslar for a number of years having been attracted by ease of access when afloat even if the road access is plagued by poor planning and drivers. That said sadly most decent marine locations either suffer traffic or lock issues. There is a fairly active Haslar Yacht club with a mix of mobo and yacht owners with craft in varying sizes so do have a look on website. We are not really YC people but enjoyed laying up supper in Nov and it does give a networking forum for modest costs to check out local suppliers and such like if you need any help unexpectedly etc . I know there are a number of mobo in your range e.g. Bav 33 size who will have much more info which might assist. Hopefully you have already checked out East Head at Chi Harbour and Priory Bay on the island but there is a usefulpilot book on Solent locations which although out of date in so far as hostelries are concerned unless latest one has been improved gives other suggestions. In terms of berthing at Haslar lower letters and numbers are probably better as closer to car park and less risk of disturbance from wash although all Portsmouth berths are plagued by cross channel ferry wash and Haslar is better than most .its rather annoying on trolley front if you arrive late on a Friday night as all the trolleys are on pontoons but generally security is good for access and as a berth holder parking is normally fine even for late arrivals which does reduce traffic issues. A couple of helpful chandlers in case required btw and plentiful supermarkets generally at budget end but also Waitrose in nearby Alverstoke if required .hopefully weather will be kind to you for your trip down and we might spot you in summer. Generally people seem to remain at Haslar and are helpful if any berthing issues etc.

Hi there thanks for the insightfull run down . Yes I've heard the traffic isn't a good point but let's face it summer time in any coast location suffers this . Omg skegness that's 20 miles from me causes Boston to be grid locked at a weekend in nice weather so we all suffer the summer time madness . In saying all that though form your comments and others on here the enjoyment we will get out on the water will more than make up for the travel woes . Most of the time I think we will be rocking up late on a Friday evening then spending the weekend on the boat and beleave it or not the worst case sinario at Halsar with trolleys and walking to the boat is a million times better than where my mooring was this year . I had to park down a small tight street in town and hand ball x2 20L jerry cans , outboard etc etc etc every trip . Used to be back braking back and forth from the car and take me an hour just to unload car to boat , as our marina had no car park or anything . As ive said before we could only get in or out 2hr before or 2 hours after high tide , this was fine if tides were at a sensible time and fell when I wasn't working etc . But sometimes weather would also put a block on heading to sea . Hence the frustration sometimes when it's a nice day but tides are wrong . So looking forward to being able to just cast off and go anytime weather permitting. Ive seen there is also a club on the marina , i had a read through the little book we picked up when we visitedthe marina before christmas . Its something that we would enjoy getting involved in with all the other boat / familys on the moorings . We have the boat transport booked for 2nd March . So will be seeing you all soon !


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3 Sep 2007
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Hi there thanks for the insightfull run down . Yes I've heard the traffic isn't a good point but let's face it summer time in any coast location suffers this . Omg skegness that's 20 miles from me causes Boston to be grid locked at a weekend in nice weather so we all suffer the summer time madness . In saying all that though form your comments and others on here the enjoyment we will get out on the water will more than make up for the travel woes . Most of the time I think we will be rocking up late on a Friday evening then spending the weekend on the boat and beleave it or not the worst case sinario at Halsar with trolleys and walking to the boat is a million times better than where my mooring was this year . I had to park down a small tight street in town and hand ball x2 20L jerry cans , outboard etc etc etc every trip . Used to be back braking back and forth from the car and take me an hour just to unload car to boat , as our marina had no car park or anything . As ive said before we could only get in or out 2hr before or 2 hours after high tide , this was fine if tides were at a sensible time and fell when I wasn't working etc . But sometimes weather would also put a block on heading to sea . Hence the frustration sometimes when it's a nice day but tides are wrong . So looking forward to being able to just cast off and go anytime weather permitting. Ive seen there is also a club on the marina , i had a read through the little book we picked up when we visitedthe marina before christmas . Its something that we would enjoy getting involved in with all the other boat / familys on the moorings . We have the boat transport booked for 2nd March . So will be seeing you all soon !
We travel to the South Coast from York and have done for the last sixteen years. It is not a chew but time of travel has to be worked out. Best route is M1,A43,M40, A34. When you arrive first requisite is a cold beer followed by another. Even after all this time it is still an absolute delight to arrive at the boat. You will love it to the point it will probably change your lifestyle


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11 Jan 2019
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We travel to the South Coast from York and have done for the last sixteen years. It is not a chew but time of travel has to be worked out. Best route is M1,A43,M40, A34. When you arrive first requisite is a cold beer followed by another. Even after all this time it is still an absolute delight to arrive at the boat. You will love it to the point it will probably change your lifestyle

Hi there I'm hoping so !! . I've been a professional motorcycle racer for the last 20 years so my life has been rush rush high speed action and late nights and long nights in the workshop . Let alone balance family , normal day working etc etc . I have not committed to race in 2019 hence the big move with the boat to the south coast as I have more time to enjoy . As I have spent plenty of time down south over the years with my racing . Poole , Isle of white , Eastbourne , Plymouth , Somerset to name a few places . #speedway . If I don't commit to race this year at any point like you say could be a whole new lifestyle I can embrace. Never say never to swinging my leg back over a race bike but if I don't my calender is cracker Jack full with dates to enjoy the boat .
Thanks for the low down on best routine on roads . Experience from others is always gratefully received.


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12 Aug 2004
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I hope you will enjoy the Solent. I think Hasler is a great location although I've only ever popped in and out without staying long and only by boat so can't comment on the traffic. Plenty to do and see coming out of Portsmouth Harbour.


Well-known member
31 May 2007
The traffic isn't as bad as people make out providing you aren't trying to get in around 5.00pm or out at around 8.00am

If it was that bad we wouldn't have been here more than 10 years :)

Henry :)


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24 Jun 2002
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Interesting thread. We are toying with the idea of trying the south coast for a season or two and Haslar will have been high on the list. The journey is four hours on a good run and difficult for us to avoid the M25 so on a bad day considerably longer, which is what has put us off........well that and the exorbitant mooring fees! :)

Mooring paid locally to August but might think about moving after that.
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New member
11 Jan 2019
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The traffic isn't as bad as people make out providing you aren't trying to get in around 5.00pm or out at around 8.00am

If it was that bad we wouldn't have been here more than 10 years :)

Henry :)

Exactly Henry. I'm used to the miles driving Boston to Portsmouth is a quick trip to me. To be fair we won't land at the marina till 8pm Friday evening's anyways . So fingers crossed we miss most of the traffic in towns on route.