Inboard or outboard in the survival situation ?


Well-known member
12 Feb 2010
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Ben, most people who own boats that I know do relatively little sailing (much more painting and polishing and posting on forums goes on that actual sailing) and those that do do very little medium-to-heavy weather sailing, never mind survival sailing...

Outboards don't have much to commend them - they're cheap and portable. That's about it. And for some applications, that makes them perfect. But a boat of a certain size comes with an inboard, and that's all she wrote, really. Boats that are smaller than this with outboards are not really the kind of things that you find yourself in survival situations in... Or else where would it all end? Doing the Fastnet race on a lilo?

What a fantastic idea. It would certainly keepthe budget down. My mate has spent €16k on preparing his 47footer for off-shore racing:eek:. He could ahve bought a lilo from Tesco for £9.99:D