Whats the form?
My flag (ensign) and pole (staff) are about the same length, if I tried to 'dip' it no one would notice. Do I remove it completely (Q) how long? or remove form pulpit holder and lower it, abit like lower the 'colours' marching pass HRH?.
Views please!
Sadly in order to become a Ketch type thingy the ensign staff would have to be placed in front of the tiller/wheel. The effect of motoring into the wind would be reminiscent of being soundly thrashed. Whilst very painfull it would have the beneficial effect of giving the face a permanant weather beaten look thus ensuring that newcomers to sailing would look on you with great respect and awe,
Might I suggest that an ensign staff be bigger than the main mast? Such a set up would enable one to wax lyrical about the merits of owning a schooner whilst ensuring the return salute of any warship as your ensign would be bigger than theirs. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif