It's time for the annual discussion as to whether the boat should be in or out of the water over winter.
This year, i'm gong to be an INNY. because
1) if drying out really is neccesary to halt some dreaful lurgy, then the lurgy would restart only days after relaunch. Of course, i'll haul out for a day or so to antifoul.
2) I reckon that this hauling boats ashore actually dates back to days before there were loads of marinas, so the boats would've been smashed in the storms. Or nicked. Also, i bet the nanky gear and poor materials meant that they needed it to be ashore to catch up with the rapid rusting etc.
This year, i'm gong to be an INNY. because
1) if drying out really is neccesary to halt some dreaful lurgy, then the lurgy would restart only days after relaunch. Of course, i'll haul out for a day or so to antifoul.
2) I reckon that this hauling boats ashore actually dates back to days before there were loads of marinas, so the boats would've been smashed in the storms. Or nicked. Also, i bet the nanky gear and poor materials meant that they needed it to be ashore to catch up with the rapid rusting etc.