in or Out - Again!


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16 Sep 2002
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I am an OUTY!!!

I moor on the severn and it floods so bad i cannot get near
the boat for 2 months (Flow is so fast you need a speed boat)
also get whole trees and dead cows stuck in the outdrives which are
a sod to remove. 2 years a go we got a dead body stuck under the
moorings!! (Got paid £50 for hosing it off)


(River Severn / Bristol Channel)


Well-known member
6 Nov 2001
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Whats better than a couple of hours out on a nice crisp winter morning with blue sky.Leave it in in.
Loads of plastic commercial craft near me that have never been out water for more than a few days in their entire life.
What about all those monster GRP naval minesweepers etc, out for the winter are they?

Just hold tight dear it will not be so rough when we get round the corner,trust me.


16 May 2001
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This year will be an Inny for first time...
My big question is radiator or fan, how many and where to put them (no remarks needed!). Saw previous post on this and think likely to be radiator in engine bay but what wattage?


Well-known member
24 Jun 2002
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Out - need to do some work. Thinking of lifting out alternate years. The hull has been epoxied - does that help the 'in' argument?


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6 Oct 2001
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In for me aswell. You get the waters to yourself in winter and some nice days, cold but still capable of cruising to the Islands around and having lunch.


I am boating again ;-)


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30 Jan 2002
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Re: The sun is in the sky

But you could hear the crack of hard frost underfoot.
Today was my day out , I love my days out on the boat , always at this time of year the canal takes on a silent mood , a stillness that cant be compared to any other time of year.
My narrow boat sits there waiting to breath life into it surroundings , the first job is to undo the fresh water pump and clear the ice so the impellers which because of the cold are already brittle I don't want to break em .

Next break the ice around the stern area , this year it's more than usual after a struggle I win the battle re the pole hitting but just glancing side way's eventually I think to my self that's enough now I can do it .
A little longer on the glow plugs and extra throttle ,broome the engine fires up instantly its glad to be alive .
So into reverse to break the hull out of the ice , then forwards to see how hard the ice really is , oh yes here we go the front of the boat lifts up over the ice and cracks it like a whip .
I'm off !! this is just why I love winter , standing on the stern tiller in hand no one else to get past .The cold of the tiller grip's my hand back , wish I had brought my gloves now.
My favorite jacket is on , it's an American reefer jacket talk about quality I knew servicing that old boys car was a good idea , he came in the next night with the jacked and said this is just what you need .
The banks along the tow path are empty of snotty kids, fisher men and ramblers, so just the boat and me .

Up through black jacks , there's a small flow of water here so easy to keep going and as yet not a soul to be seen . I wonder what any one near by would think on hearing the cracking of the ice as I make my way. The noise echoes along the canal skimming the ice which is actually nie on two inches thick.

Still just a breeze which reminds me how harsh the weather is but it's so wonderful to be here , to enjoy and relish the scenery.
Between black jacks lock and the stink pit there is only side ice as the stink pit
( sewage works to any one else ) releases a steady flow of treated warm water.

HA HA look at that bloke he has a 70 footer and thinks better of it than to venture out on the main arm to play .Good I think, he'll only get in the way .I'm surprised he got it up to the main arm but then chickens out. Next lock is work because nothing has been through but hey that's part of the fun .A few runs are needed to break enough ice to clear the gates and in we go.

Stockers farm is next , they filmed Black beauty here ,I'm not surprised it's a perfect setting mind at night a bit eerie and that's why they have done a few horror films as well. As I pass through the lock the land to the right opens out into a small valley it looks like a Christmas card .
Some people look dumb founded as they hear the noise of cracking ice and see the bow of the boat lifting up over the ice almost like lightening in the sound sense , core this is cool.
I'm just coming intowards Rickmansworth now , there are plenty of live aboards here , an early wake up call for some !!!.The smell of coal stoves lingers in the air and if you have not walked a tow path , you've missed out .
Finally the lock comes into view oh that's handy the water is just coming over the top of the lower gate so no ice to worry about, so the winding is easy .

As I make my way home to harefield I consciously feel exhilarated and privileged to spend a day here on my boat , what a perfect day .

Need I say more , even on the sea it's just the same
The Swallows have gone !! Winters IS coming
Cheers Mick
I want a big steel ex trawler or tug v, cheap or swap for tug


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18 Jun 2001
South Coast
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Well as mine has just gone in today after a couple of weeks layup at Sham Q then definately an inny. should have gone in on Friday this week. As arranged with the wondeful staff at MDL after certain jobs were completed. Just as well I couldn't get that stuck seacock off the hull fitting yesterday. Otherwise guess where my boat would be now. yeap at the bottom in Sham q. Somebody was a bit too quick off the mark and i will be talking to someone tomorrow about the lift out as I had signwriting and seacocks to be done tomorrow. I can feel a rumble coming on!


If you stay in, What do you do about changing the anodes? Mine certainly wouldn't last more than 12 months. Do you use a diver? and if so whats the cost like please?


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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No. You missunderstand. They all come out once a year, for antifouling and anodes. The question. Is. Do you take it out and leave it out, or, Out and in as quick as possible.

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16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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No. You missunderstand. It's whether you take it out all winter or just a quicky for anodes and antifouling.

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6 Aug 2001
Wherever there are boats
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Now I'm confused...surely you can do anodes/antifouling any time of year .#


You're either IN or OUT ??

Or do I get the Dunce's cap again?

...I wanna boat please..


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: dunces\'s anode

You can of course do this any time of year but

1) most marinas will offer special deal to attract this business out of season

2) although you could do it in season, bit of a waste of a nice day of holidays

3) by May, all the salepeople and maintenance staff are busy fixing new boats just delivered and taking so-called possible buyers on seatrials and otherwise getting mucked about.

4) the right time to antifoul is just before the season (feb-april ish) to clear off the gunk that has grown on the bottom if an inny, or just before going back in anyway, if an outy.

anodes don't cost much so may as well be changed during antifouling whether they need it or not.


New member
28 Mar 2002
Also in..

Use a dehumidifier, but make sure it has a heat cycle to stop it freezing up. This keeps cushions, books etc nice and dry and stops mildew. Mine is fitted with a hose to bypass small internal tank and feeds overboard via galley sink. Keep it on a low setting.

Modern 3 stage battery chargers will keep them in tip-top condition all winter without over-charging. Run engine(s) at least every 2 weeks (motor in gear against the warps 30-40 mins at fast tickover) and do an oil change end of October and again in spring.


Had best use of boat last winter Fecamp in November 01, Port Solent several times from Brighton. Even cruised on Xmas day. Weather went a bit pear shaped (wind & rain) after new year until beginning of August.