It looks as if that vessel has a bulwark round the foredeck, although I suppose it could be a canvas dodger
Yep, that's our Stavvy all right.
Until a few years ago it could also have been Prince William, but sadly she was laid up and then sold to the Pakistani Navy.
Puzzled how you simultaneously thought she was Royalist and that she had three masts, since both vessels are brigs
Nope, Stavros has solid bulwarks most of the way round, but open railings on the focsle. What you're seeing is simply the shell plating of the focsle itself; it rises one deck higher than the main deck.
Looks like a brig to me.
I got a good shot of her on Sunday as well. There were a couple of brave guys/gals up on the top mast yard to....
View attachment 42714
Thanks for that. I saw her on Sunday and my guess was Lord Nelson or Tenacious.
I see the differences now.