Ice box question


Well-known member
28 Jul 2003
West Australia
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Here in Oz peltier type coolers are truly hopeless. Compressor fridge is the only way to go if you want powered refigeration.
Having said that most people go for ice box with bought crushed ice blocks or water in bottles frozen at home.
Much depends on the size and insulation of your ice box. However if you have room about 8 litres of frozen water should see you well on the way to doing 5 days. Some of this can be substituted with frozen milk, juice, meat etc which in melting will provide lots of cool power.
One other option is to put an iced bottle into an insulated cooler bag in the ice box which also contains frozen water. This will give a sort of freezer area of the ice box colder for those items that really need to be kept cold/frozen. good luck olewill


Well-known member
29 Jun 2005
Westleigh, Nr Tiverton, Devon.
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We use old 2lt ice cream containers for making ice blocks. You might also like to think about a small ice maker. Often on Ebay for less than £40. (In fact there's one for sale in Plymouth now, currently at £27 if you're down that way soon.) Although mains powered they only draw 150 watts so you can also buy a small inverter for about £20 or just make ice when you are on shore power. There's nothing as impressive as sitting in the cockpit with an ice bucket half full of ice and a bottle of sparkly in it! I've used these on my last two boats and they are absolutely marvellous. First ice cubes appear after 12 minutes and then just keep going until the water runs out. We always bought the non-plumbed in type for simplicity.
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