I have noticed in recent months...



That on this and the PBO board that there are more and more posters airing gripes against companies before they have taken them up with the management of those companies. I would be interested in posts that say I had a complaint against x and their response to me was y. Maybe I am too old but I do like a balanced view. We, as a community in the UK, are often being ripped off but in part I cannot help but feel we bring it on ourselves. Two recent complaints about marina's, people tie up and expect not to pay, marinas are in business to make money but the more people try and take liberties with them the harder the gesture of goodwill from the operator will become. The same with products etc. If we are reasonable with our suppliers perhaps they may be reasonable back.

just a thought



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7 Sep 2001
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I tend to agree Peter, but it always seems to be the companies who treat us with contempt first, then we retaliate. But people should use the direct line first, before involving the forum, this would be the wise thing to do. IMHO.


30 Nov 2002
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In self-defence

I posted an item about the optional face mask on Crewsaver lifejackets before contacting them because I wanted to be sure that others agreed with me - they did, so I felt I was not being unreasonable.


Re: In self-defence

Sorry but I took your post not to be a crital of crewsaver or indeed that you were in dispute with them. I thought it was more of a product development suggestion and thus valid. I suspect that your approach to Crewsaver would have been welcomed by them.



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7 Sep 2001
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Re: In self-defence

And I agree with you, but you were not complaining as such, you wanted an opinion and you got one and some useful information to ask them to modify their design, nothing wrong with that, I think he was saying people shout here first, without letting the other party know he was annoyed/pissed off or otherwise.


30 Nov 2002
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Quite so; thanks

I have written to them. Oddly enough their professional lifejackets have spray hoods incorporated into the collar.


Well-known member
7 Jun 2001
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Does anyone take such complaints seriously?

Complainers must realise that a one-off complaint, when due process has not been followed first, is hardly likely to be taken that seriously by others. We all know that everyone gets problems sometimes, but maybe the forum does provide a chance to let off steam, that's all.

Just occasionally however, the result of such a posting has shown that a number of people have experienced problems with the same company, so then it is useful. And in some cases a number of other posters have sprung to the company's defence, which is more impressive. I've actually used a company as a result of an initial complaint here.

This is not to say that all complaints here are wasted. Some have been excellently researched and objectively reported. I suspect these must cause some alarm to IPC's legal/advertising teams.

The worst thing of all though is when a company representative replies to a one-off complaint on the forum. You'd think that would be a good thing, but somehow it seems to bring out the worst in posters, and all too often ends in bitchiness all round.


Active member
31 May 2001
I think the marina thing...

is in part because its a change from established practice. I have avoided marinas in recent years but it used to be accepted that you could pull in for a few minutes without charge, and i think the goodwill generated was worth a lot.

I believe leaving customers with change encourages a return visit. My last marina was Haslar, and it was and I presume is excellent, good people and helpful, but from my boat to the car was a about 600 yards. At the weekend it would have been quite self financing for students to push trolleys for a couple of quid or wash a car for a fiver, and I don't think there would be a shortage of takers. It's the kind of thing that makes a real difference to our perception of how we are treated. A free 30 minute stop on a marina might be the precursor to all kinds of things, money through the chandlery, lunch visits to yacht club etc etc.

Sorry for banging on.



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7 Sep 2001
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Re: I think the marina thing...

I tend to agree, they should treat everybody coming to a marina as a possoble future berth holder/chandlery/bar customer, but they don't need to, as they have a bloody great waiting list for berths! Its the same as an airline company, you pay for your ticket (they now have your money, up to months ahead), they do not have to supply the advertised service, you may have paid for a flight to Glasgow, but the plane goes belly up, do they get another plane and fly you there, no they fly you to Edinbugh/Leeds, Bradford and then put you on a bus, you paid for a flight, you now find yourself on a bus??? They don't give you any money back or for the most part even apologise, do you see my point, they don't need to supply a good or even mediocre service, they have your money and a captive audience/clientle., where there are people clammering to take your spot!


Active member
12 Jun 2001
Me: Surrey Pixie: Solent
Re: I think the marina thing...

They don't HAVE to give good service, but in my experience they do, (and it's not just who I work for)...I spend a lot of time in marinas all over the country, most of, if not all have been helpful in one way or another.

I don't walk into the marina office, wearing my YM jacket, YM polo shirt and expect ppl to bow when I enter..I go in wearing normal clothes ask nicely if, for example, a boat can pick me up from their marina, the boat will be there for 5 - 10 mins, until we sort ourselves out, then we're off. I've never been charged yet.

But if people see it as their right to use the marina facilities without asking, trying to sneak in un-noticed and not pay a penny, then soon a time will come when from the moment your warp is round a cleat the meter will start ticking. Marinas have spent millions of pounds getting to the places they are today, and I'm sure the berth holders wouldn't like to see their carges increased to cover drive-off-mooring...

If you think marinas are bad...try travelling by South West Trains!! They really have a captive clientle :-/


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7 Sep 2001
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Re: I think the marina thing...

Steady lad, steady! I didn't point any fingers at any marinas, what I stated was a fact, not neccessarily all marinas, I've also had good service from some of them, I'm sorry if you thought it was a generalisation, just as I've had good service from some airlines, but the facts are there. You dont need to listen to me, but you do have to listen to the people in the marinas who are not happy with the charges to service ratio. Why don't you ask the question on the forum, as a seperate post, it would be interesting at least, I don't really care too much, as I haven't used marinas in the UK for some time, when I did, Dart and Noss marinas in Dartmouth, were excellent with good service, excellent clean facilities and very helpful friendly staff, I can't say the same for some of the others I used, especially those around the solent, albeit only very briefly. You will also find me a very reasonable chap, praise where praise is due etc.


Re: I think the marina thing...

I have had sailing cruisers since'86, not long by some standards, I have berthed in Chichester Yacht Basin, Haslar, and now C&N. I have visited countless others in the UK & France. I have always found that if I am reasonable to them, they are reasonable back. What does reasonable mean, well either radioing or telephoning in advance or tying up and making myself known as soon as the boat is secured. I have noticed that some boaters are incredibly rude and aggresive to marina staff, treating them as lesser human beings, they are after all only doing a job and paying their bills. I find it strange as most of the marina staff are extremely pleasant etc. Where I have had a disagreement with the marinas...escalating up the management chain has resolved the cause for complaint amicably... which is one reason I started this entry having heard similar behaviours in chandleries and I think begining to echo in here and PBO. I will now pack my soap box away for today and quietly exit stage left until later!!!!!!!



Active member
12 Jun 2001
Me: Surrey Pixie: Solent
Re: I think the marina thing...

Sorry, didn't realise I'd gone off on a rant, and likewise it wasn't aimed at just one person, neither is this... :)

I think most people are of the opinion thay they pay too much for their marina, much in the same way we all "give" too much money to the tax man!!

...hmm, there might be more to that comparison than I first thought... :)

It seems that as soon as someone mentions "marinas" it's Open Day on the marina operators, critisisms (whether major or minor) fly at them from all angles. Quite happy to have a go at them when they don't need them, but it's strange that ppl forget how convenient they are. Even if it's just for 5 mins :-D

Some also expect the right to use a marina, when they haven't paid for it. I'm just worried that if the large marina operators who are taken for a ride by the stop-and-shop yottie they might not be as accomodating in the future.

Agree about Noss-on-Dart and Dart Marina especially, can remember a strong current up at Noss though


New member
11 Jul 2001
West Sussex

I reckon one of the best things about the Internet is the ability to air one's views instantly to a wide audience. There was simply no other way to do this in the past apart from Watchdog!

If a company gives me substand service I won't hesitate to shout about it here, or anywhere else. The reason we suffer such awful customer service in the UK is that we simply accept it - we mumble to ourselves if our food arrives cold in a restaurant and then smile at the waiter saying it's all fine when he/she enquires - a Frenchman would have made a scene and sent it back - hence standards much higher over there.

Companies do not have a right to be un business - they have to earn it. If some bad service gets exposure here or anywhere else they should pay attention and rectify it.

I'm also the first to post praise about good service - dig out my post in praise of Compass 24 from a few weeks back.

As long the complaints are true, fair an accurate then let's hear them I say.

I take your point about getting a resolution though - one should always try to sort it out with the company direct, not expect them to take action as a result of a post. If a pleasing resolution is come to I would also expect that to be posted to balance things up.

Roger Holden


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7 Sep 2001
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Re: I think the marina thing...

Strong current is an understatement! but you get used to it then use it! If the marina has a restaurant or chandlery (part of the marina) then it wold be advantageous to have a "wating/lunching/shopping pontoon" with a time limit of course and show proof of purchase of din dins etc, or whatever, then they don't have to pay, just as some city centre supermarkets allow you to park as long as you shop there, those that don't, pay! It just might be an idea somebody should or could take up. IMHO. Darthaven, have a carpark, you pay for it, unless you go into the chandlery and browse even, then you get a little disc, which allows you free parking, the chandlery operator isn't daft, he knows if you are genuine or not, something like that could operate, maybe?


Active member
12 Jun 2001
Me: Surrey Pixie: Solent
Re: I think the marina thing...

Cunning plan :)

Though you might have to have a minium spend, otherwise ppl could turn up, stay for 2 hours then just buy a nut for 2p in the chandlery and off they go....

How about the first 20 mins free then pay and display??? or mooring meters (like parking meters) with a lil flag that waves when yer time is up!! :-D

But which flag???
U (you are running into danger!)
V (I require assistance!)
X (stop carrying out your intentions and watch for my signals!! ;-)



Active member
31 May 2001
Re: I think the marina thing...

Likewise Virgin Trains a few months ago. Freezing carriage to B'ham, missed connection, hours late into Newcastle, short meeting for return train, 30 minutes late arriving, stopped at Birmingham, no onward trains to Reading, T A X I !!!



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7 Sep 2001
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Re: I think the marina thing...

OK, I admit, plan needs a little work, but.............I supply ideas, not solutions, thats my job!