I am currently in Dodekanese, Greece


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2 Nov 2020
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I have put several requests on for quotes and works requested from the marina, which have just been ignored. At first I put delay down to covid pandemic, and our restricted access due to covid, but all requests is just now becoming a waiting game. If the marina are unable to do the jobs and quotes, am i now allowed to resource and pay for independants to do the works requested.. i purchased the boat just before the pandemic, i want the works done, is this normal... anyone else had similar issues. thanks


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6 Dec 2012
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Remotely managing boat works is very difficult in most places, more so the further remote they get. You usually get thoroughly ripped off, lied to, simply nothing happens or the work is inferior and/or endangering you and your boat. Be there to deal with it or hire someone that can be there and manage the project for you. Be prepared to move the boat somewhere else if a place absolutely doesn't work out.

Many longtime cruisers do anything they possibly can themselves, not (only) to save money, but because it's the only way to get it done the way you want and know what you got. In the end it will be you that sails away with it and in who has got to fix it if it breaks on the way.

Others who do pay workers tend to have plenty of wonderous stories to share about what they really got for their money. Sure, there's exceptions and some workers have great reputations, but most have mixed ones at best!

So in essence, be there, DIY or at least keep an eye on it. Hire a project manager if you have more money than time (although when will you sail then). There certainly are some yards where you can actually leave in winter, tell them what you want done and come back in spring with it all done, but they're rare in the Med, usually fully booked and even then it doesn't always work out that way! :)