Well-known member
Not looking too good.

I was just reading similarApparently they were warned on 25th Jan that it was about to collapse.
Ah, "we shall fight them on the breaches..."More critical is the integrity of the Hurst spit. If that is permanently breached, it will have severe consequences for the land and activities along the Solent. Vast sums were spent on emergency patching up after a previous breach opened up.
Mind you , when you return from that expedition, chances are you will find England has totally crumbled into the sea.The only sane action is an immediate pre-emptive first strike against France before they realize our defences are down.
Apparently they were warned on 25th Jan that it was about to collapse. Their response was there was no immediate danger of that. Think English Heritage have some explaining to do
Surely not a deliberate dumbing down of an established body of expertise ? Maybe the National trust should be reading this thread as it sounds rather like their recent approach to their staff as well.From my many years dea;ing with EH there has been a very marked Top Management distancing from maintainence and care Buildings /monuments etc to raising Profile and Cash counting etc; i understand that many years ago the Staffing was directed away from Permanent middle aged staff, who had life experience, to p/t and casual often between Schools and Uni plus working during term breaks, all of which has made EH a far weaker company .
Isn’t it the eastern side that’s collapsed?! ?I saw an EH person being interviewed on the spit the other night on TV, and he blamed the strong SW'ly winds that they have recently had as causing the damage. What a p*8t as the predominant winds are SW'ly so nothing really unusual.
Spot on.People misunderstand the real purpose of organisations like EH.
They don’t exist to protect historical buildings. Their main purpose is to provide a career path for self centred and pushy people to build mini empires at public expense. Supposedly caring for the built heritage is merely the vehicle.