As we've got the mast down at the moment for a little work, I want to sort out the rigging. It's all galvanised steel, it appears to be in very good nick, but there is a surface layer of rust. In fact it's not really rusty, it's just discoloured a red/brown as opposed to actual flakes of rust.
What's the best way to clean it up and what to apply to prevent it happening again? Wax? Oil? Waxoyl? etc?
Any ideas or advice would be fab, cheers, J.
As we've got the mast down at the moment for a little work, I want to sort out the rigging. It's all galvanised steel, it appears to be in very good nick, but there is a surface layer of rust. In fact it's not really rusty, it's just discoloured a red/brown as opposed to actual flakes of rust.
What's the best way to clean it up and what to apply to prevent it happening again? Wax? Oil? Waxoyl? etc?
Any ideas or advice would be fab, cheers, J.