How many people have alarms...

Solent sailer

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10 Nov 2006
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Car alarms are usually ignored by people as a nuisance - but most people I think still look at the car that's sounding.

I think with a boat in a marina ?? Maybe a little more attention would be paid ... but who knows.

I think the main items are : 1. The ear spitting sound to the 'intruder' .... 2. The possibility of the alarm causing people to look at the direction its coming from .... something the 'intruder' would not appreciate.
So possibly ... alarm goes off ... 'intruder' gets out to save his ears ... people hear and look towards the direction ... may see the offender ...
like the idea what about 2x 120dB sounders?


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13 Sep 2008
Far away from hooray henrys
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I've thought about that, and decided that, leaving aside the fact that the guard wires on Jazzcat only run from halfway along the cockpit, and not where you'd board, on a boat where it would offer protection, the other people who'd be dissuaded are the ones who've kindly come to secure your wayward genoa.

A memory of an electric fence from a smartarse 5 year old. "Don't touch that, it's an electric fence" "No it isn't, it's plastic string, and plastic doesn't conduct electricity - look." Grabs wire. "Whaaah!"

Smartarse 5 year old (me) hadn't noticed the metal wire woven into the nylon line...



Well-known member
27 Jul 2010
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Do people actually pay any attention to alarms going off? I've never seen anyone take the slightest notice of car alarms.
The government certainly did, they changed the law in the UK to allow enforcement action if a house alarm sounds and you don't have a registered keyholder to silence it. Property will be broken into and alarm silenced on your behalf, all at your cost. The police have long had a policy of not attending alarms, and don't have the resources anyway. I imagine this makes a pretty good routine for burglars who can now do something minor to set off an alarm and leave the breaking and entering to someone else before returning later to an open house.