I,ve been following threads for some weeks but only just been able to login (computer virgin) I am very impressed with wealth of knowledge and humour.
Welcome Brian. I'm surprised you have problems logging in!!! Nine grandchildren? What a wealth of knowledge they must have with these new techie things. Bet you have the video up and running now.
Welcome.. you obviously have only been reading the posts from the Aussies and Kiwis.. dont bother about the others..Does the fact that you have " posted " mean you have lost your ... er er er ???
BrianJ ( love your name )
Especially impressed by oldsaltoz, also Martin Luther. Certainly I can still sail yacht and dinghies so you could say the important bits still work. Briany
Not an uncommon thing to be called Martin ...... life at school was hell with it .....
The forum is a good wealth of knowledge and of course all are generally opinions .... usually based on experiences. A great source as books and manuals often leave out the essential bits and bobs that we all need ......
Often others differ with my views - thats good and I welcome both agreement and disagreement - we all learn and develop from healthy comment ..... none of us know all the answers - I know I certainly don't and I want tolearn as much as possible .....
Brian ,,
All I can say , is ,, Welcome to the Madhouse .
There is a lot of fun to be had , as well as the experience of the masses. Go for the fun ,, . Regards .. Spanners.