I am about to replace the taylors heater, with either a diesel type (eberspacher) or maybe a L.P.G. type. Any body have any good / bad comments re LPG onesl Thanks
just a thought, go to ebay and do a search on eberspacher, there is usually a pile of them going for about £200, ex btelecom, good value, make sure you get all the bits with them tho
LPG-fired ones work well and are considerably cheaper than diesel equivalents. I installed one quite a few years ago and it was excellent. The problem is the consumption rate of the gas. If you have plenty of storage space for large bottles and don't travel considerable distances where refilling might be a problem, then I would certainly consider fitting one. I ran mine on 10lb Calor bottles but they can be consumed at quite a rate in the winter.
I guess you are thinking of the catalytic type. You can get an lpg version of the Eperspacher type made by several diffent companies. The one I am famailar with is the Carver P4. 2.4 kw of dry heat. Works well enough and quieter than the diesel fired units.
I'm talking about a warm air heater of the Eberspacher type, except that the fuel is gas. The exhaust is discharged to atmosphere, so no water vapour into the boat. The one I installed was a Propex, something like 2 KW.
I guess from his post he means one of the paraffin Taylors heaters rather than diesel - I have one and can think of a couple of reasons of getting rid of it if money was no object. Firstly its yet another fuel to store onboard, get spilt, run out of or whatever. If you have a heater hooked up to diesel tank or gas cylinder then its one less fuel needed. Secondly a paraffin heater will do some very scary things if you try to light it without enough preheating - not the sort of thing you want to see on a boat! And yet another fuel is needed for preheating - either meths or a butane blowtorch or something.
That said, for the few occasions a year I use it, it works well enough. I fitted a carbon monoxide alarm in the cabin to make sure its not producing any nasty fumes. I think Taylors make a diesel heater which to my mind would be a lot better than parrafin.
I heard from an engineer at Herbert Woods (Potter Heigham) that gas heating on boats is being outlawed, so i think that the eberspacher or Webasto choice would be the better one. Have a Webasto Petrol HL32 in my boat and it's superb.
I installed a Propex LPG marinised type and it is excellent. Hot dry air and runs for 40 hrs on a small butane cyl. Very low current drain (slightly over 1Amp) and very quiet when running. Simple to install and half the price of an diesel type!!!
Have set to frost setting for the winter and only need to check battery and gas every now and again. Expect to run approx. 100hrs on service battery so fairly sure will take me through to the spring!!
Hope this helps , Jackho
All the gas regs. are on the Calor gas site so check out if you need to confirm anything on installation or technical detail.
I've had a small Propex for about 4 seasons now and it has proved very good. Only disadvantage is that the gas won't vapourise in very cold weather! I use butane but have been told that propane is much better. Make sure you can fit a propane bottle in your gas locker - they're taller than the equivalent butane bottles. That's what is stopping me using propane!