Happy's not all mad or bad

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Happy\'s not all mad or bad

My mate Happy took possession of my MDL lead when I left for Spain,
I having got a response from the for sale forum got him to pursue the purchaser, he sold lead AND went out of his way to pay the cash into my bank.
Wot a nice bloke

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Re: Happy\'s not all mad or bad

Of course he's not and I think it's a shame he's been banned again. If you don't agree with what he posts, just ignore him. Responding to posts which don't deserve a response just encourages more of the same.

Sure his evangelical brand of posting is a bit irritating but only if you allow it to be. Ignore it and he'll calm down or, even if he doesn't, so what?

He's like an over-enthusiastic kid with a new hobby. Thinks he knows it all and wants to tell everbody how to do it. He hasn't recently been directly offensive to anybody as far as I've seen.

However, I am enjoying a rest from the 'emoticons'.

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Re: Happy\'s not all mad or bad

No one said he's not a nice bloke. I'm quite prepared to believe he is. Trouble is there are lots of nice blokes who try way too hard and end up pi**ing people off by being constantly in your face.

There's an old saying which goes something like:" It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt".

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Re: Happy\'s not all mad or bad

Agree with you, He took a lot of stick from other forumites recently,
And as far as I am aware did not retaliate, He might well be a bit eccentric but there is no
law against that.

In my opinion he has been harshly and unfairly treated! Just because he got on a few nerves
he did not deserve to be banned!

Besides my other half found him hilarious and could not understand why people were getting upset
just because he posted frequently, Glass houses come to mind!!!!!!

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Re: Happy\'s not all mad or bad

Kim's post is that he's on holiday, not banned.

He's a genuinely nice guy, but he has the ability to wind up many of the forumites.

Once he gets his boat on the water again, and has gained some experience, he'll dump much of what he carries on board. He'll also understand that going for an Atlantic crossing in his size boat is not doable without a fuel barge towed behind, which causes all sorts of other performance problems

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Forum name not \'Happy1\'

This is a cooling down period, not a ban. And it is as much for his good as for everyone else as I haven't got the necessary 18 hours per day to protect him when he moves to warp factor eight, as had happened again recently.

But for those of you who support Happy1 I suggest you have a go at getting him to tone down the volume of his posts as and when I let him back on, if I let him back on, especially the quantity of non-essntial ones and the ones where he starts to interrogate every questioner eg 'have you got a this that or the other?' He doesn't listen to me despite several attempts.

Oh, and by the way, this forum is not called 'Happy1'. Time to move on folks, I really do not want to see this debated any more.

If you have comments PM me or mail me at kim_hollamby@ipcmedia.com

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