Grid compass



Having learnt from Eric Hiscock the advantages of the grid type compass, I bought a Sestrel Minor which has served us admirably for 20 years, after which the paint started to crumble on the compass-rose. Repair by a reputable firm, however, lost us the grid, and it seems irreplaceable as spares for the Sestrel Minor are long since gone. Does anyone know of spares (the circular plate with the grid) or of other grid compasses (but for the Silva needle type compass)? Or doesn't anyone else recognize the ease of steering "by the grid"?


I'm not sure what your reference to the Silva is here, Finn, but I've got a Silva mounted in gimbals in a box, which I'm quite happy with.

It's not a grid steerer, but I'm intending to make up a circular bit of perspex to fit above the glass, with two parallel lines etched on it. (Not done yet, regrettably.) But rather than rotate it until the lines are parallel with the course-bearing, I'll rotate it, once the boat's heading's right, until they're bracketing the most readily-visible cardinal point. Then I'll just keep the point between then lines.

The grid-steerers were originally designed for use in aeroplanes, I understand. Have you tried any Air Force disposal outlets, just in case?


I got mine repaired by Rigel in Southampton and that was a Sestrel. Some years ago so do not know if they are still on the go.


Rigel has gone out of business, but try B.P.S.C. Marine Services, also of Southampton. They used to be part of Rigel, and still have a number of spare parts in stock.


I can't understand why anyone uses any other sort of compass. But I've had to make do with a small Suunto since my RAF war time job was stolen in Norway because nobody makes anything bigger.