

Well-known member
30 May 2001
high and dry on north island
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Bearing in mind the proven but so far still legal contribution to global warming from cows farting should we not consider burying land mines in cow fields (but of course publicising on social media where they are to be found). Would that be acceptable or promote a similar reaction from professional leather shoe wearing lettuce eaters? [/SARCASM]


Well-known member
22 Sep 2008
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Bearing in mind the proven but so far still legal contribution to global warming from cows farting should we not consider burying land mines in cow fields (but of course publicising on social media where they are to be found). Would that be acceptable or promote a similar reaction from professional leather shoe wearing lettuce eaters? [/SARCASM]

So you go for a walk, and periodically delicious chunks of cooked beef drop out of the sky into your hands. I'd vote for that.


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30 May 2001
N Devon
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According to the Greenpace website, "The boulders have been painted using non-toxic paint with the names of Greenpeace supporters, including donors and even some high profile supporters such as Thandie Newton, Paloma Faith and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall"

In my view bottom trawling is a scourge, but direct action outside of the normal legal channels is problematic:

Britain has a longstanding and deep relationship with the sea; Do we want a new guerilla enforced Greenpeace system?​

Are fisherman now free to exact retribution against these institutions and individuals under a moral framework of their choosing?​
In what other circumstances is direct action against the personal safety and livelihoods of those we don't agree with okay?​
Are we on the road to a Capitol Hill incident?​
Do we want a celebrity policed society?​
around here the local council dumped huge boulders on the side of the road under the pretence of creating a 'traffic calming' zone. Apart from the fact that it just creates pollution by forcing cars to stop every 25m, what if someone drives into one of these unlit obstructions at night? If dumping boulders into the sea is illegal and dangerous, then surely so is dumping them in the road!


Well-known member
2 Dec 2005
Far S. Cornwall
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If the boulder is something Greenpeace can pick up and shoot over, they need a bigger crane than the fishing boats, who are used to dealing with a pebble. they will simply drop them all in one place at their convenience.
I would feel unhappy if i had dropped one and later someone had an accident, whether they were breaking the law or not.


Well-known member
4 Jan 2015
Live in Fareham Area, Boat in Gosport
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If the boulder is something Greenpeace can pick up and shoot over, they need a bigger crane than the fishing boats, who are used to dealing with a pebble. they will simply drop them all in one place at their convenience.
I would feel unhappy if i had dropped one and later someone had an accident, whether they were breaking the law or not.

I seem to recollect that these painted pebbles are in the region of 2 to 3 tons which a 100 M + super trawler should be able to cope with.

It is in essence to gain publicity to achieve a goal, the proper legal protection for these MPA's.

I grew up in Bridlington, the chap I worked for on a saturday morning was a keen angler (off Bempton cliffs) and an Auxhillary Coastguard, 40 years on i can still remember heated discussions in his shop, the town and local press about setting up a conservation area with a no fishing area to help allow stocks to recover. Two of my neighbours and some of my school mates dads were local fisherman and their sons would go out when shoals of mackeral and the like appeared. 40 years ago there was a small fleet in the towns harbour now its a handful of boats and that was before the shellfish suppliers that has just shut.
Needless to say the proposed reef made up of tyres chained together never happened, many of the boats packed up as they were not big enough they kept having to go out further and further to catch anything.


Well-known member
24 Jun 2007
On land for now
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If the boulder is something Greenpeace can pick up and shoot over, they need a bigger crane than the fishing boats, who are used to dealing with a pebble. they will simply drop them all in one place at their convenience.
I would feel unhappy if i had dropped one and later someone had an accident, whether they were breaking the law or not.
This video may give you some idea...


Well-known member
22 Aug 2008
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I touched the wrong button and registered a like. Newton was not considering the frequently illogical actions and re -actions of human beings and had there been a logical reaction to beam trawling fifty years ago it would have been made illegal and disappeared then.
Click on "Like" again and your liking is cancelled. Likelihood? Likeness?
Thank you.


Well-known member
27 Apr 2005
Shoreham - up the river without a paddle.
around here the local council dumped huge boulders on the side of the road under the pretence of creating a 'traffic calming' zone. Apart from the fact that it just creates pollution by forcing cars to stop every 25m, what if someone drives into one of these unlit obstructions at night? If dumping boulders into the sea is illegal and dangerous, then surely so is dumping them in the road!
I used to work in Worthing near a pretty sharp bending the road, in the middle of which the council, in their infinite stupidity, decided to install a speedhump. Worse, it was only on the inside of the lane. The inevitable happened and it was removed, but it took the inevitable before their stupidity was accepted.
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18 Jun 2013
NorthEast England ... Greece (Kalamata)
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In a democracy we all choose to stop that kind of thing, or choose not to as we wish.

People die on the roads in massive numbers, it wouldn't be good for a handful of people to block roads with rocks. Gazzilions of people are killed by smoking and obesity, we don't want a handful of people to start knocking down newsagents.

In a totalitarian state direct action is fair enough, not in a liberal democracy.

Of course in this case Greenpeace are doing the polluting. If/when Fishing is banned the sea will be back to its natural state quickly. (After fishing was suspended for WW2 they found the sea heaving with fish - that was only 6 years.) Greenpeace's pollution will be there for tens of thousands of years. (Unless you believe their claim that they will be recovering the rocks when they get what they want.) So direct action against Greenpeace to stop them polluting? Did you support that last time it happened, or did you think it would be better to follow the law? Your home is built on a bit of land that used to be natural at one point? Should direct action be taken against you and your property?

Hopefully when your phone gives you an alert when this post hits the forum, you will have sobered up enough to remember what you wrote when you were pissed. here is your chance to wake up and delete the deranged nonsense that you wrote on this web site.
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Seven Spades

Well-known member
30 Aug 2003
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I dop not agree with what Greenpeace have done it is undemocratic if nothing else but I do share their concerns. If brexit offered one thing it was total control of our waters and in this respect the government has so far failed. I hope in five years time they will address this problem. The problem is that our fishermen have quotas which are too low and the majority of quotas are in the hands of foreign owned vessels. The government needs to stop the trade in quotas. If someone doesn't use their quota then someone else should be able to apply for it. They need to start by not issuing quotas to large vessels inshore, they should support the small sustainable vessels, and start from the top down. This will create the biggest sustainable fishing industry.

Any fisherman who fails to keep a proper lookout should have their quota rescinded.