

Well-known member
27 Jul 2010
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Mention of the 90 days has just raised another question for me - I assume we (British) still have indefinite stays in Gib without a visa?

Sea Devil

Well-known member
19 Aug 2004
Boulogne sur mer & Marbella Spain, Guadeloupe
It's no different to having a French visa though in theory
But if you get a French 6 month visa, and it's a pretty complicated and time consuming action, it is only valid in France and not the rest of Europe.

I have a feeling that Gib residents have a passport that shows Gibraltar on the front... And I bet there continues to be some sort of 'presence' on the Frontier - both sides... If you go into Spain without a Gib passport or EU ID card and with a UK passport or non EU passport there will be a check,,,

I am waiting to find out how the 'frontier authorities' who I have seen occasionally at Schengen road frontiers, are actually going to know, as I drive my Spanish plated car across into France, where I am now only allowed 90/180 how long I may remain in France?

And when I sail my boat out of Boulogne to Dieppe am I required to clear French customs when I have never actually 'entered' France as I just drove across the frontier with my permanent Spanish resident card?

I did email French Customs and immigration HQ in Cherbourg some weeks ago but no reply.. These things will shake themselves out over the coming months and it's too cold and wet to sail much at the moment...


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
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Reading the Chief Minister's statement, he says - As we have been seeking to do, the treaty to be negotiated will deal with maximised and unrestricted mobility of persons between Gibraltar and the Schengen area. The inference as I read it is that Gib won't actually be in Schengen.

There are no aspects of the framework that has been agreed that in any away transgress Gibraltar’s position on sovereignty, jurisdiction or control.

His full statement here - Chief Minister’s Statement – The New Year’s Eve ‘In-Principle’ Agreement: A Post Brexit Deal for Gibraltar - 946/2020

Sea Devil

Well-known member
19 Aug 2004
Boulogne sur mer & Marbella Spain, Guadeloupe
Reading the Chief Minister's statement, he says - As we have been seeking to do, the treaty to be negotiated will deal with maximised and unrestricted mobility of persons between Gibraltar and the Schengen area. The inference as I read it is that Gib won't actually be in Schengen.

There are no aspects of the framework that has been agreed that in any away transgress Gibraltar’s position on sovereignty, jurisdiction or control.

His full statement here - Chief Minister’s Statement – The New Year’s Eve ‘In-Principle’ Agreement: A Post Brexit Deal for Gibraltar - 946/2020
I imagine it will stay similar to the present frontier situation with controls on both sides but Gib passports will be waved through and the queues will vanish... diminish


Well-known member
27 Jul 2010
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But if you get a French 6 month visa, and it's a pretty complicated and time consuming action, it is only valid in France and not the rest of Europe.
That was my point. The (new) question was whether British people from outside Gib are allowed to stay there visa free, not to do with Schengen travel.

Sea Devil

Well-known member
19 Aug 2004
Boulogne sur mer & Marbella Spain, Guadeloupe
That was my point. The (new) question was whether British people from outside Gib are allowed to stay there visa free, not to do with Schengen travel.
At the moment you can only stay six months in Gib without a residency permit: (Source Gib Gov web page)
Only Gibraltarians and British citizens employed by HM Government can live in Gibraltar without any form of residence permit. All other citizens (EU and non-EU) must apply for a residence permit if staying for longer than six months.


Well-known member
27 Jul 2010
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Thanks, couldn't find that among all the Covid stuff on their site. I genuinely thought we were free to visit our own territories as we pleased!


Well-known member
15 Mar 2007
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Like anywhere, there are a number of routes to residency in Gibraltar. We owned a registered business, for example.

My last two uk passports have Gibraltar written on the front cover simply because that was where I renewed them having given a marina address.

Regarding the border, it's clearly in a state of change very much complicated by covid. Access is very restricted to work and medical reasons. I've asked people we know there for direct experience from the front line. One is a boat repair guy and has two yachts to pick up from La Linea for return to Gib tomorrow. That should be interesting! Another is living on his yacht in the Marina in La Linea and has some appointments in Gib this week. He's gonna let me know what happens.
Sadly though, an old friend of hours who also is a liveaboard in LL felt ill a few days ago, was taken to the hospital in Gib and has been diagnosed with Covid. Quite poorly.

This is hot off the press having just heard from both of them.

The provisional four year deal still needs ratifying as I understand it. Knowing how these things are viewed on both sides of the border I would expect actual events to run slowly.......