Nice post...
Maxsea though is a pretty powerful piece of software. It supports (in principle) as many serial ports as you have got on your PC, and for each piece of information you want to display or process, you can pick and choose which serial port to take it from, and (within limits) which NMEA sentence you take it from (different GPSs can use different sentences to output their data).
For the NMEA output port (to drive an autopilot for example), you can choose which serial port to send the relevant guidance data to (sorry, I'm too lazy to go and look up the NMEA sentence names).
But I too would be reluctanct to make a PC too vital a piece of my boat - however it shouldn't be too hard to arrange your autoilot to have an easily accessible 'plan B'... My CETREK will take it's guidance from one of three simultaneous NMEA inputs... you choose which one via the contol head.
I understand the poster's interest in collecting data to construct real-life polars for Maxsea. I thought about that myself - but you need to be more determined than I am in order to sort all of that stuff out, and actually use the result...
Maxsea though is a pretty powerful piece of software. It supports (in principle) as many serial ports as you have got on your PC, and for each piece of information you want to display or process, you can pick and choose which serial port to take it from, and (within limits) which NMEA sentence you take it from (different GPSs can use different sentences to output their data).
For the NMEA output port (to drive an autopilot for example), you can choose which serial port to send the relevant guidance data to (sorry, I'm too lazy to go and look up the NMEA sentence names).
But I too would be reluctanct to make a PC too vital a piece of my boat - however it shouldn't be too hard to arrange your autoilot to have an easily accessible 'plan B'... My CETREK will take it's guidance from one of three simultaneous NMEA inputs... you choose which one via the contol head.
I understand the poster's interest in collecting data to construct real-life polars for Maxsea. I thought about that myself - but you need to be more determined than I am in order to sort all of that stuff out, and actually use the result...