Hi Gary, welcome to the "Nut House"
I think that you are likely to get a greater response on this subject if you re-post your question on Motor Boat Chat or Scuttlebut, rather than this section of the forum.
Good luck.
Specifically newbuilds on their maiden calls at Southampton, whether they be container ships, cruise liners or whatever. I'm looking to strike a mutually beneficial arrangement for anyone interested.
sounds like you'll need more than one person, as most of us work during the week when these types of boat arrive. Weekends and evenings you'll often find someone out and about, and some of the forumites are afloat on the odd mid week day.
You won't find to many takers on this particular forum, it's new and not well frequented yet. I'd post again on the Mobo Chat and YM Scuttlebutt forums.
You may be able to find someone with time on their hands, retired or the like, who can take you out when you require, but you may find it easier to build up a number of contacts happy to take you out, then let them know dates and times when you need to be out to photo particular boats.
I've sent you a PM. look for a little flashing icon top left of page
<hr width=100% size=1>Err, let me know if Depsol enters the forum, I'll go and hide
Don't think you'll find the Waverly goes out of the way to coincide it's trips to meet new builds leaving Portsmouth - it doesn't even visit the Solent very often does it?
She's down there just now - was on her last Friday. Managed to get loads of pictures from her.
Usually visits the area once a year. - Balmoral also makes a brief visit.
I have a powercat that i do a lot of photography from - based in the Bristol Channel. Besides that I work on a tug with a keen photographer as the captain so thats really great too !!!!
It's a nice boat, been on it myself, but not what Gary was really after. He specifically wants to take shots of new builds on maiden voyages in Solent/S'hampton/Portsmouth areas, and I can't see the Waverly being that obliging
Avice I gave him via a series of pm's was to post in the mobo chat forum when there was a ship he wanted to photograph, as someone is invariably going to be out on the solent that day, (and will be far easier to place for good photos than a tug that will be concentrating on doing a job) which is what he did (actually some months ago if you look at the start date of this now resurrected thread). There are some very specific shots he wants to get in December and January.
I don't think getting any decent photos of the QM2 underway is going to be possible until the spring. Everytime she is due in or out it will be pitch black.