New member
.. on the weekend of Nov 8th & 9th.
Following on from the Cherbourg success and Ian's earlier post it is now time to get your name down. Suggestions for plans are:~
Saturday lunchtime a quick meet up for a todie in Cowes followed by impromptu race around a few marks in the Solent for a couple of hours, say 15.00 to 17.00.
Saturday evening at the Folly to include
1.A few fireworks (every person at least one rocket please) to kick it off (subject to Folly approval and a bit of safe space being allocated).
3. A short, sharp sailing quiz (20 questions 10 seconds per question) each boat fields a team.
4. A story telling session from one crew member per boat. Has to be funny and told with style and panache.
Prizes could be awarded for race, quiz and funniest story. Wacky suggestions for these please or offers of donations from you rich ba#sta#ds!!
We hope this is going to be popular and are hoping for 40 at the Folly. Suggest you get your name and boat name down quick as it is first come first served with a reserve list!! PM's please to me or simply >< save you keep logging on.
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Following on from the Cherbourg success and Ian's earlier post it is now time to get your name down. Suggestions for plans are:~
Saturday lunchtime a quick meet up for a todie in Cowes followed by impromptu race around a few marks in the Solent for a couple of hours, say 15.00 to 17.00.
Saturday evening at the Folly to include
1.A few fireworks (every person at least one rocket please) to kick it off (subject to Folly approval and a bit of safe space being allocated).
3. A short, sharp sailing quiz (20 questions 10 seconds per question) each boat fields a team.
4. A story telling session from one crew member per boat. Has to be funny and told with style and panache.
Prizes could be awarded for race, quiz and funniest story. Wacky suggestions for these please or offers of donations from you rich ba#sta#ds!!
We hope this is going to be popular and are hoping for 40 at the Folly. Suggest you get your name and boat name down quick as it is first come first served with a reserve list!! PM's please to me or simply >< save you keep logging on.
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