Anybody any idea of what the fuel consumption rate on a VP 2030 with 3 blade folding prop. should be at say 2,200 rpm? Liters per hour or hours per liter?
I have a VP2030 with 3 blade Maxprop which I tend to run at 2,400 rpm. At this speed I work on 3 litres/hour. Boat is 8.6 tonnes and this drives her at around 6.5 - 7 knots in smooth seas.
Checking my log for the summer cruise shows that I used 118.6 litres in 37.8 hours engine time, but my tank also feeds the Eberspracher heater which I ran for a few short periods.
I usually run my 2030 around 2700 rpm and she then uses about 2.5 litres per hour. Boatspeed (Jeanneau 34.2) around 6.4 kts (without headwind), two bladed prop.
strong headwinds will certainly slow the boat, but cannot say whether this will also increase fuel consumption as I'd have some sail up as well in those conditions.
Yes, I agree, a diesel being governor regulated will burn more fuel as the load increases in order to maintain the throttle set rpm. We find we burn noticably more fuel under heavy head wind or/and seas (we do usually try to sail, but often is just much easier to motor straight through Cook Strait when strong wind, steep seas and tide is against one). Our 50hp Volvo, which never normally burns abnormal amounts of lubricating oil, also has gone from high mark on dipstick to low in about 4 hours of motoring into very steep wind against current seas, so alot of very heavy pitching.
<hr width=100% size=1><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by MainlySteam on 17/08/2003 10:47 (server time).</FONT></P>