Fractional boat ownership and timeshare programs for yachts?

Dimitris Palych

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19 Nov 2022
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I am looking for recomendations for a shared boat ownership program. Now I am considering Sunsale boat ownership program. Is there any one around who is participating in similar programs? Is there any resources on the internet you guys can recommend to get in touch with members of such programs?


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Not aware of any specific way of contacting individual members of such schemes. The numbers of people is very small and diverse and the stricture of such schemes varies from company to company.

The contract had 6 weeks allowance of "free" weeks, but in reality I never used more than 3. It worked well for me because my objective was to have the boat ready for my retirement and essentially that is now it turned out.

People enter into these sort of deals with differing objectives and you have to be clear about what you expect and assess what is on offer against your expectations. The value for some, like me is having the boat at the end, but the downsides are the risk that the boat will not be good at the end or perhaps more importantly your circumstances change and you are left with a very illiquid asset - that is not easy to get out of the contract or sell the boat at the end. For others the value is in the weeks of chartering or with some schemes the regular income.

I don't have enough recent experience of the relative merits of different companies and schemes, but the big operators like Sunsail and Moorings are well established at a corporate level, but much depends on how well the local management works.