Forum closure postponed


Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Sorry everyone, we've had some other work jump the queue and we'll need to postpone rolling in the new software until later next week. More news when I have it.


Hi everyone,

Forum temporary closure Monday 14 June

Advanced notice that this forum will be unavailable to use for a good part of next Monday 10 June starting 0930. This is to enable us to perform a major upgrade of the software. We hope to have it back up and running by teatime latest, provided the migration goes as well as the tests indicate it should.

Please help us by (at the very least) recording your username accurately and, if you have kept a record, put your password somewhere obvious for you to log in after the big event. All of your salient details will be preserved but you will need to log in to the new system after it goes live.

You will be able to request a temporary password as long as you know your username on the new system (provided your email address is also up-to-date: check user options -- personal information to see if the email address we hold is still current).

If all else fails email but do bear with us if we take a little while to get back to you.

The new forums will look identical in terms of content and fairly familiar in terms of layout, but will have a series of changes including the ability to add polls to threads. We also hope to have eliminated the database errors we have been registering recently by making this switch.

<hr width=100% size=1><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by kimhollamby on 11/06/2004 18:22 (server time).</FONT></P>