Are fishing boats exempt from making warning signals in Fog? Just curious 'cause the one that came looming out of the fog on Sat morning was abstaining?
Regular occurence in the S.W. as well. Presumably they are much too busy doing other things and have Radio 1 on in anycase. Therefore won't hear your signal either./forums/images/icons/frown.gif
Of course. Small fishing boats are exempt from all IRPCS regulations, specially when dealing with yachts.
But they not necessarily ignorant of the rules. This weekend, closing Boulogne harbour, a small French fishing boat on my port side tried to cross straight in front of me - he wouldn't have been the stand-on vessel even if I had been motoring. Realising that he couldn't make it, and that I wasn't giving way, when we were no more than 50 meters apart he started to shoot his nets so as to claim rights under rule 18b! No visual signals up of course. Reluctantly we let fly sheets and pulled up - we couldn't go round his stern with nets out. As soon as he was past the nets came in again. Yes, you beat us into harbour Mr Froggie, big deal eh?
The French must be hot on enforcing regulations if a fishing boat actually takes down his daymark in harbour. Most of the British ones I've seen are nailed to the masthead permanently.