Firearms on bord


24 Jan 2004
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.....our cruising trip in the med.

I would like to hear from you experienced cruisers out there.

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Are there any problem areas in the Med to the extent of needing a gun?
Isn't London worse? Though not so sure I'd feel comfortable in Albania.


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13 Jan 2006
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Ninety percent of gunshot wounds caused by own gun... I singlehanded from Britain to the Gambia. Arrival off Senegal with engine unuseable due to two mounts broken, three fishermen bumped alongside and greeted me with, Bonjour Madam, avez vous du pain?. I explained I was eleven days out of the Canary Islands and so had no fresh bread but gave them a packet of Danish Smorbrod which keeps for months and they left me to continue paddlling my little Folkdancer 27 towards Isle de Goree.
If I'd had a pistol onboard would I have rushed below at their approach to emerge waving it at them to come no closer?
The only self defence I have is a sturdy piece of timber hanging next to my bunk just to grab in the night if an intruder enters the boat, but my approach would be to make a getaway obvious and easy for a thief rather than attack and engage in a struggle.


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11 Jul 2007
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If a pirate comes at you with firearms they are more likely to have bigger longer range weaponry than you and be far more willing to use it if you put up any form of armed resistance.
Piracy is far less common than the press sources would have you believe .
If you are truely worried about such problems ,watch your local T.V or listen to local radio to see just how dangerous the real world is.So you can stay home and get mugged or robbed or go cruising where the chances are far lower but if the unfortunate happens at least it will be somewhere different.
We have been in the Caribbean for 4 years ,there have been isolated instances that have almost always been resolved and there have been no murders of cruisers that we are aware of.
The most common crime against cruisers is Dinghy theft and that is best prevented by chaining it up every time you go anywhere and painting in big letters on dinghy and out board,boat name ,SSR #; and offer a reward if it should be returned


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2 Dec 2006
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Hi Etienne, I also have a licensed Pistol in RSA & have thought long & hard about whether I would take it on board, & am still not 100% sure what to do with it. I'd be inclined to take it & maybe throw it overboard when in the Med, if I was going to stay for a long time.
Sidearms are viewed MUCH more seriously in Europe than a Shotgun if discovered. Brits tend to panic when you mention guns as most have no experience of handling them, & we've had a couple of disasters here in UK several years ago, which put even more people off them. What some of the commentators here don't realize is that Etienne is a South African & like most of us who have spent decades in RSA, is more than likely to be proficient in using a sidearm for self-defense. I am too, but sensible gun-owners don't walk around 'waving a gun in the air'. If I was heavily outnumbered at sea my (concealed) Pistol will stay in my pocket & I'll just have to take it on the chin, otherwise, if I can even the odds quickly, I will. I had quite enough of the "re-distribution of wealth" while I lived in RSA so I've no intention of letting a bunch of opportunist fishermen/whatever take several thousand pounds worth of my stuff off the boat if I can help it.
Middle-aged cruising couples are a Pirates dream & seen as 'soft targets', well, I'm 64 & I'm still not a 'soft target' & I will not be a 'willing victim' either.
A decent repeating shotgun would be good, with some heavy gauge shells, but then you can't hide it very well.
Incidentally, Peter Blake did absolutely the wrong thing in that situation, the leader of the gang already had the drop on him with a hand-gun & Peter came rushing out with a clumsy Rifle. If Peter had had a small .38 Revolver or small 9mm Pistol in his pocket, & had played along for a while until things settled down a bit, he would have had a better chance of taking out or disarming the guy at the right moment.


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7 Sep 2001
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You have already disappointed me, and now you have compounded it, you should know better!
To advocate the carrying of handguns, notoriously inaccurate, even for those trained to use them, and just get you into more trouble, leave handguns for very close quarter work for highly trained and practiced people and the pistol club, where the traget is not moving and the ground doesn't move either!


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2 Dec 2006
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In reply to ccscotts' comment...why are you disappointed mate.? You just hit the nail on the head there, that's what sidearms are all about, 'close-quarters'. And having one, & having the guts to pull the trigger, could very well save ones' life, not to mention what could happen to the women-folk on board.

"If you're not on the ocean, you're not on vacation!."


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7 Sep 2001
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Jock89, I agree, I would die trying to save the folk aboard, from death or rape, but with a handgun against a bunch of loonies with AK's?? I think not me old mate, die trying though.
I dont have to prove to you or anybody else, not anymore anyway, that I have the guts (as you put it) to pull the trigger, that's a matter of record.
But once the peeps are close quarter, it's all over! If you start blasting away, the two guys they left in the boat, just in case, would cut you and everybody else aboard to ribbons.
There are lots of other reasons not to carry weapons aboard.
Also, most of the piracy of yachts has resulted in no more than theft and very occasionally a whack around the head, if resisting. I'd rather let them have what they want (as long as its not my wife) and go.


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20 Jan 2007
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Re: Firearms on board

I'm neither a willing victim or a soft target either but if someone is going to turn up at my boat toting a gun they can ave whatever they want.
I have fired a lot of guns. I would consider myself compertant with one but i still wouldnt carry one
If somewhere is going to be that dodgey that i think i might need one, I'm not going.
If i see something i think might be a problem i'm going to run the other way.
My life is worth more than several thousand pounds worth of equipment.

Guns do not deescalate (spelling) situations.



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21 Nov 2006
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Are there any problem areas in the Med to the extent of needing a gun? Isn't London worse?

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I have been cruising the Med for five years now without a problem. In the eastern Med I very seldom lock the boat when I leave it for an evening ashore. It is very safe. Firearms? You got to be kidding! Talk about creating a problem.


Lord High Commander of Upper Broughton and Gunthor
8 Apr 2007
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If you are cruising in the med then you have no need for a firearm of any sorts.
Follow your first instincts and Leave it at home.

Have a great trip!


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2 Dec 2006
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Re: Firearms on board

In answer to the last two posts, including..."There are lots of other reasons not to carry weapons aboard"...

Of course, I agree with both replies, in principle, & ccscott- I've already discussed that very scenario with friends. Not much we could do in that situation.
I'm afraid my philosophy on this subject is based on 25 years living in various countries in Africa, & I'm still in Central E. Africa now, but I could tell you some real horror stories about some of the sickening crimes that were committed against whites in RSA & Rhodesia/Zimbabwe while I was there, which has undoubtably helped form my opinions on this subject. We're assumed to all be millionaires by the 'have-nots', & fair game, so I've always gone for a pro-active approach, & it's worked for me.
Not everyone runs away or stops an attack just because you're pointing a Firearm at them, & some are so determined they will force you to use it.
I'm sure some of the sea-going robbers/pirates, are just as determined, but I'm just an ordinary working man & it's taken me a lot of years to save the money for this boat & do it up, & no 3.rd world going to rip ME off if I've anything to do with it.
As you can probably tell-I'm ever so slightly biased in favour of firearms on board. It's every man for himself out there.
If you're not on the Ocean, you're not on Vacation.!

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Re: Firearms on board

We are talking about the meddy here, not Africa, that is a completely different kettle of fish! I have not been sitting on my arse in UK either for 40 years so lets not get the sandbags out and tell each other war stories!
Firearms are a neccessary evil in some places where it is ACCEPTED, but not in the meddy it's not, so to answer the guys question, do not bring firearms to the meddy, they are not required and are nothing but a hassle wherever you go. The firearms laws in the EU and other countries around the med are draconian, be careful if you do bring a gun.


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Re: Firearms on board

I can use guns effectively, as I suspect you can.

Carrying them in the Med is just insanity.

Futher afield in known pirate areas. Not sure to be honest. I'd like to defend myself, but carrying a gun is more likely to cause violence than solve it.


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2 Dec 2006
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Re: Firearms on board

ccscott & BrendanS...absolutely & point taken. Just trying to explain my personal viewpoint a bit. Have to agree re the Med, asking for trouble.! Would'nt dream of it.


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2 Dec 2006
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Visit site does'nt, that's why I said earlier about keeping it in your pocket if one is hopelessly out-gunned. However I do know of some crews who have bought cheap AK-47s specifically for defence offshore for that very scenario, & don't forget that if you have several fit crew on board a "show of force" is just're showing that you're something to be reckoned with, & pirates don't want to be shot up either. It will always be a judgement-call, depending on how the situation develops & then plays out.
On your own or a couple, forget it really, unless your Rambo.



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You are not going to easily find cheap ak47's around here! (you can find them of course) but not unless you want to go to jail for a long time!