Sweet Lucy already has a sprinkler system in the heads its called deck-fittings. The smoke detector is Dearly Beloved's hypersensitive nose and the compartment is built out of non-inflammable, water impregnated wood:- so no problems here.
slight correction to your otherwise full and helpful notes but until very recently, that particular compartment on jimi's boat was unused due to a strong odour which would have been detected by a much lesser proboscis than dear beloved's and would have diverted the attention of the regulatory authorities and thus rendered unnecessary such safety measures ...
What do you expect from a rubbishy modern French-built craft? What you need is a nice traditional liner with a long keel, 3 funnels, steam turbines etc etc............
<hr width=100% size=1>Je suis Marxiste - tendance Groucho
I have now banned smoking in the heads due to potentially explosive fumes. Should somebody not re-appear after 30 mins then a patrol would be despatched to find the cause of the delay. Preceeded of course by a canary.