European berthing.


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21 Jun 2001
N Hampshire
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Every time I go to Normandy or Brittany, I get incensed about how much more I have to pay to park my boat in the Solent.

Hell's teeth, it is only 70 miles to Cherbourg and with regular ferries and cheap flights more available it is very tempting to base it abroad.

But what of the practicalities.
I am employed with only 5 weeks holiday, not all of which I wish to take boating. I enjoy going to the boat Friday eve' and returning Sunday eve'. I do not wish to spend the whole weekend travelling.

Those of you who keep boats outside UK, inc' Med', how does it work in practice?


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6 Aug 2001
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Hmmm...I think you will get some varied replies to this one.

I'm a francophile who loves boats with a SWMBO who needed (needs?) co-ercing into a nautical lifestyle.

So in my case I have to say that commuting to SoF (which is where effectively we live) is part of my lifestyle AND I don't travel all weekend.

I probably ( I don't count) fly London - SoF return 20-30 times a year, it's a dawdle and when you know how , not expensive. ( But to find out how avoid researching old MBY and MBM articles- sorry Kim , Mr Stirls article still riles).

So for me just an extension of my lifestyle NOT a reason in its own right

...I wanna boat please..


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
home in Brum. S37 sold, was in Med Spain.
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Make the distance from the Med airport to the marina a Key Selection Criteria (sorry buzzword) in where to berth your boat. It's not only time but taxi fares mount up. Also be on a cheapo airline route.
For me I've got some of it sussed, Boat in Alghero, Sardinia 10mins from airport on Ryanair route but it goes from Stansted and I live in Birmingham (2+hrs)
But it's good in the Med, warm, can swim in the sea, no tides but it does blow up quite often so can't always take the boat out.
No question it's the right thing to do.


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2 Nov 2001
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Can't say I have looked at Euro boating to much but after a pretty grim summer season and my wife liking things warm we are considering selling our boat in a season or two and either buying or chartering in Florida, moorings in Florida a bit cheaper than UK for dry storage and weather great also like most things American they are prepared to haggle to get your business. Downside is flying time though fares outside of season are pretty cheap and so is fuel. Also allows us to cruise to the Bahamas and around the keys. We get 5 weeks holiday plus public per year so time is not to much of a problem for us. It will depend how much marina costs have gone up when I renew next September they went up by 6% this year but I have got on good authority that my Marina has a fair number of empty berths which they are keeping quiet about.


We have graduated from Thames to The Broads and then to The Solent - all with increased mooring fees and travelling time.

We now berth in southern Holland - April - November in the water, November - March inside a beautiful purpose-built boathouse. Our berthing fees for 48 sq. metres (12 x 4) are 50% what we were paying on The Solent, and that includes lifting, indoors winter storage and re-launch in April.

For us the advantage of Holland is the sheer variety of boating available, open sea, inland sea (Markermeer, Waddenzee, etc) big rivers (Rhine, Maas, etc.) little rivers,big canals and little canals.

This variety means boating every trip - no need to worry about winds or tides - you can always go somewhere.

The Channel Tunnel has transformed the commute, and we allow 7 hours door to door (or home to boat). If the M25 was jammed, it used to take that long to The Broads.

Chunnel costs about £180 return on average and road fuel is much cheaper at 85 Euro cents per litre, and the 50% savings on UK berthing pays for a lot of trips. We even enjoy a discount on insurance because the boat is indoors throughout the winter.

As an aside, boating is so much a part of Dutch life that prices seem affordable by all, not "as high as the market will bear".

good luck,

Rick S


4 Jun 2001
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cheaper? really?

I'm abt puzzled by this one. Surely the UK is cheaper than the med? Berthing my boat in Mallorca costs an arm and a leg (£10k for 14m). Is the uk really dearer than europe?


Well-known member
11 Mar 2002
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There must be a catch...

Is 1800 Euro the yearly fee? With or without dry dock in wintertime?
Well, it sounds unexpensive anyhow for a 37'...
I'd be interested in some more details, because I'm also considering to move my boat to Sardinia.
Does your marina have an internet site?
And what about the place from the boating standpoint - I heard that the mistral blows quite often, at times very strongly.
Thanks in advance for any suggestion.

Deleted User YDKXO

Agree with you. We're looking at berthing in the Med ourselves and an expensive/lengthy taxi ride at the other end or worse, a frustrating wait for a rental car could make the difference between making the whole thing work or not
I would also look at other factors such as how many flights a day to your destination, do they fly from an airport local to you, are the times convenient for out Friday night/ back Sunday night commuting and, for me, is it possible to work the destination into overseas business trips
For anyone in full time work, its got to be about minimising the hassle of getting to your boat otherwise it will soon become a chore


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
home in Brum. S37 sold, was in Med Spain.
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Re: There must be a catch...

No need for dry docking in the winter even now its 25 degrees in Alghero and sunny. Just get it pulled out once a year for a bottom scrub/anode change etc
1800 euro is the annual's actually cheaper than if you bought 3 months during the summer.
The mistrals and other winds are the Med bummer. They last for 1-3 days and usually right in the middle of your holiday. The weather forecasts seem to give about 12 hr warning of these so not a danger just a nuisence
No marina website...a strange arrangement where each pontoon seems to be owned by an individual. He has a cabin at the end and takes a personnel interest in every boat so when the winds come and your not there he will be clambering all over your boat making sure everythings ok.
Have a browse on Alghero I'm sure there will be photos of the marina which is next to the town.


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23 Jan 2002
Ålesund, Norway.
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Re: Cheap European berthing.

OK Ive just 'brought' a berth cost £1400 (which I can resell) A yearly maintance charge £130 includes:- water, security, power, hoist with unlimited use and yacht club membership £30 to join £12 per year subs. We have small club house in the marina with showers and changing rooms with the main club house out on its own island.
Its 6 hours or less from London. Miles of unspoilt seascape, with islands, in lots of protected waters and hardly any other boats and no real tides. Oh and free salmon fishing. Cod, pollock and mackerel jump into your boat and fresh crabs at 90p each if you dont want to catch the yourself.
Where is this paradise?
If you think Im going to tell you lot, think again!


Well-known member
11 Mar 2002
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Just a hint...

"6 hours or less from London"

Is that by


Well-known member
11 Mar 2002
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Thanks for the moment...

...guess I will do more than browsing the net.
I'd rather arrange a long weekend asap, to travel around that area and have a direct look.
Will also have a look at your Arion and check that they're doing a good job taking care of it!
Thanks again, Mario.