Well-known member
It's not a recent thing. Going back to the start of the ybw forums when there were only a few forums, not the many we have now. Turban wearing lovely gent with boat on Thames - left because of prejudice. Lovely openly gay male couple who attended many boatshows and forum events - left because of prejudice. Lovely lesbian lady who came to several Wareham ybw meets - left because of prejudice. Lovely young female kid (Norfolk Broads way? was trying to do up a boat, and asked some questions about, so long ago I can't remember, may have been about replacing a windscreen, and was accused of being a troll as no 13 (ish, can't remember) year old female could possibly be trying to do up a boat - left because of prejudice. There are so many more I can't even remember most of them. What gets to me most, is that they were all positive contributors, not campaigning , just boat owners, and loved boating of all sorts. Driven out by prejudice.Nice to see the likes of you, MarkCX, and many others speak out The trouble is, a side effect of comments such as those you highlight is their tendency to hijack threads and turn them into pointless slanging matches.
Trolls love it, but over time the forum loses its friendly buzz as saily types drift away.
I can't be the only one who has noticed this happening.
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