ahem. Has anyone got first hand experience of blowing up their boat with one of these used to keep the boat warm over winter
Sorry to ask thios in a gludyish way. This means i have set up a fan heater cos cdn't get any oily rads and anyway, only for one winter innit. But in a biggish space and only on defrost setting. So, not v likely to blow up the boat, i reckon, possibly. Anyway, wife starts the car engine in the garage and it never explodes. Not yet anyway....
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Sorry to ask thios in a gludyish way. This means i have set up a fan heater cos cdn't get any oily rads and anyway, only for one winter innit. But in a biggish space and only on defrost setting. So, not v likely to blow up the boat, i reckon, possibly. Anyway, wife starts the car engine in the garage and it never explodes. Not yet anyway....
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