Eberspacher "wick" problem


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30 May 2001
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Eberspacher \"wick\" problem

I took my 4 year old DL3C Compact in for a service and was told the "wick" is starting to break up.When asked how much a wick is I was told that you can't buy it on its own you have tob buy a whole new heat exchanger at a cost of well over £300!! Can this be true? Friends who service their own units say the wick is easy to get to and remove but find Eberspacher refuse to sell the part on its own. Any advice (other than don't buy Ebepsacher). Thanks


Well-known member
16 May 2001
UK East Coast
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Not sure which bit is the "wick", is it the felt ring you're talking about? If so, you should be able to buy it separately.

Eberspachers are relatively easy to service yourself - it's mostly a case of getting carbon out of it. If you haven't got the technical manual for your heater, you can download one at the American <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.espar.com/htm/tecmans.htm>Espar website</A>.


New member
22 Nov 2001
on board or in Austria
Re: Eberspacher \"wick\" problem

Are you talking about the little screen around the glow plug? From the explosion drawing it seems the heat exchanger is not more than just a big piece of cast alloy. Then there are a number of gaskets and seals listed separate, and off course this so called glow plug screen.

I took mine apart last summer since it smoked like hell and found this screen almost clogged and cleaned it as good as I could, it's still smoking a bit, but where I am now I don't need the heaters and the thing is on my to-do list. Haven't tried to get this part yet.

Also, my heat exchanger could need replacement too (after just three seasons), it has a lot of carbon built up. But I think for the price you quote I'd rather forget about that. Sounds like a rip-off for such a simple cast metal part.

I have two Eberspaecher a DL5 abd a DL3, the DL3 is the one that makes more trouble, but also the DL5 would never run through for more than a few hours, before shutting down for some odd reason. Haven't investigated why yet, and as I said right now I don't need them much.

From my experience I would not likely buy Eberspaecher heaters again, but some people seem quite satisfied.
