For sev yrs have used cylindrical filter in line for filling tank. Repl annually. First one I bought at chandlers in Brighton marina for 30 quid, but the same are $30 from West Marine over here in Florida. Also have "switchable'' filter on galley tap for drinking water. Never had prob of taste or smell.
I use a cheap, green, in-line Sowester one (about £20 from a chandlers or £17 from a caravan shop) for the last 3 seasons (not the same one!) and I'm still alive. I don't drink the water "neat" very often though but it doesn't seem to taste of anything.
I use the renewable cartridge one , Aqua something or other - all chandlers sell it and it costs around £30 for the whole unit and around £20 for a replacement filter. I drink the water regularly and find the filter works a treat with no taste to the water whatsoever. You should still sterilise your tank every year though as well as have the filter .
I also have used the £18/£20 type of in line filters renewed every year and found them to be perfectly OK - again caravan shops seam to be cheaper. However, don't leave them them in the line over winter as they freeze and burst! - releasing tiny charcoal? granules...
Also, the granules make short work of destroying the diaphrams on your galley gusher pump!. Personaly, since fitting stainless tanks to replace the flexible originals I've found no need for a filter. (O.K. I don't drink much cold water!).