Don Quixote


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11 Oct 2002
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Re: The reason for my add

Is that the nice Scottish Parliament of SNP's has offered to take up the slack on re-newable energy producting. It turns out that HMG in London were getting a bit behind on introduction of the windmilling gadgets. By 2010 we need enough to electrify 7 cities as big as Liverpool to get on target. Now the plot thickens. Investors want 20% return on their bucks. If they pay for offshore sites they only get 12%. So they've been dragging their feet. Whoosh in piles the First Minister, please sir, let me, let me. Scotlands getting the lot, well nearly the lot.

Plenty of scope for tilting there then. You'll have noticed I have a fondness for the tilting.


Well-known member
18 Jun 2001
In the far North
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Re: The reason for my add

Hmm - well I suppose that means we only have to navigate around fish farms. I quite like wind turbines really for the simple reason that what you see is what you get. Having had many a good mountain day spoiled by the ominous view of Windscale, having a neice with a hole in her heart which is probably attributable to Chernobyl - there is a cluster of abnormalities around Ambleside - and having to view Heysham Power Station from my window at work - I think I prefer clean energy to the shite the Nuclear Industry pumps out over us all

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