advice on fuel tanks please - I have just bought a boat with a dolphin petrol engine. There is a plastic fuel tank which supplies the petrol by gravity feed. The problem is that the tank is in a dangerous condition and all the new plasitric tanks seem to need to be presurised via a primer to get the fuel out. I have been told that this may flood the carb in the dolphin.
Anyone with any sugestions on this? i.e. anyone tried primed feed to an older dolphin engine? Anyone with any sugestions on where I can get a new plastic gravity feed tank? Lastly, anyone know of a South Wales s/s petrol tank fabricator who could make a suitable tank (approx 6 gall tank needed)
Anyone with any sugestions on this? i.e. anyone tried primed feed to an older dolphin engine? Anyone with any sugestions on where I can get a new plastic gravity feed tank? Lastly, anyone know of a South Wales s/s petrol tank fabricator who could make a suitable tank (approx 6 gall tank needed)