DIY from scratch catamaran


Well-known member
25 Dec 2007
S.W. France
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I'll chip in here..
Local guy here, bought an agricultural building and started a 40ft self designed cat. Plan was for an Aero rig. He started a bit late in life , but got the base hulls built in strip sheathed in epoxy glass, bulkheads in foam sandwich. At the point where it was set up with the hulls and bulkheads in place, he was showing signs of dementia and work slowed to a crawl. His wife called me in for an assessment and I had to be blunt. Might be 20% built, even though it looked like a cat. Unsaleable as home designed and not finished. Then there are the regs. Home build is OK in the EU, up to around 75ft, under the RCD, but you cannot sell it for five years after launching. I ended up showing assorted people around it, but no takers and it was scrapped.

Another guy was using his Wharram to take day trippers round in the Turks and Cacos islands, it was going well, but the size limited the numbers (think it was 35ft?) So, with the support of a local doctor, he commissioned a 65ft cat from a 'well known ' big multihull designer and started looking for a good place to build it, like you.
This was about 18/20 yrs ago and I was asked by a relative of his to scout out the possibility of building in Portugal, as the designer had suggested it might be a good place. Likely I would have got involved because of language and local contacts.
I found that three builders were working on a cats of a common design in different places. I visited one and he explained his reasoning. Boat was a 40ft and he, with helpers had got it near to launch (All three were later in use) He had bought a bit of land and built a warehouse, formed a company to get the Vat back on materials and offered to sell the warehouse and company to me, to build the new boat. Building was a bit cramped for a 65ft but could have been extended.
In the end, the guy decided on Florida and the cat, somewhat Wharram-ish in ply/epoxy took shape. Bit late in the build, the costs were stretching and he couldn't find the extra.
The boat was finished and is now in a large charter group. Try guggling Rustic Schooner.

I have built a couple of small boats, but a decent size cat is a really big undertaking, even if you go the simple Wharram methods, esp in the current market.
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Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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If the OP want to build a cat good luck to him BUT when There so many unfinish projects some Cats and many second hand ones why start from scratch.
It's going to take several year to build and in the end its going to be an home build boat probably not worth the money he plowed into it.
I also notice there Been no more Input from the OP from the day this thread was started, maybe he has second thoughts.


Well-known member
20 Nov 2011
Sydney, Australia.
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If you want to build a cat check Schionning and Grainger, both well know Australian designers. ATL in Oz are geared up to supply home builds, with resin, glass and all sorts of foams, plain, glassed and wood veneered.

If you are serious and Oz fits into your plans then I would contact each of these three 'companies' they might offer the encouragement and contacts you will need to move forward.

10 years ago there were about 500 home builds in progress - I have seen no recent data.

Building is a misnomer - the building takes no time at all - the faring is the part that takes the time. If you do not fare correctly - it will be unsalable. I thought of building, my workshop is large enough - but I would need to take the windows out to release it and then crane it onto the road. But we built a helm station - that discouraged me - I'd rather sail than fare.

I have a friend who is 'home building' a 50' electric sail cat - he is simply paying and its being built in Thailand (or was until Covid brought everything to a near standstill).

The other way to consider is a Fusion 40, if they are still making them. You buy the cat in pieces, like a giant plastic model kit we used to build 50/60 years ago. You 'simply' tape and glue it all together, fare the joints. I believe they have interior options for fit out. The whole thing comes, pre-moulded, in 2 x 40' boxes which you can rent (you need a field) and they supply hoops that fit between the 2 boxes for a tarp cover and you build under the shelter of the tarp - all the bits and pieces you can secure in one of the containers. There are a couple of Fusions near our, Grainger designed, but professionally built, cat and I have sailed on 2 Schionnings 'again 'home built' but by professionals.

I suspect there are yards around Brisbane that would cater for you to build your own cat - Coomera is a centre of activity and on the water. There is also plenty of support there. Riviera and Lightwave (who built our cat) are located there. The roads are specifically wide to allow big cats to be built and moved by road - to the water.

BUT - Australian labour is not cheap - which is why cats are being built in Thailand, Seawind moved to Vietnam and there is a massive boat building industry in Zhuhai (over the border from Macao).

Take care, stay safe



Active member
21 Dec 2014
In the Mud, Conyer
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The, ”Wooden Boat” forum is an American website where you could ask for advice.

There are boat builders there who would give you sound advice on all aspects of your “project.”

Many builders construct some kind of polythene shelter to work in.

Though, it is probably not an economic proposition to build your own boat.


Well-known member
20 Oct 2004
Up some Hebridean loch
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Having said that, I love seeing interesting one off designs. I met someone who designed and built a 50ft ply epoxy cat, with electric drive in one hull and a diesel in the other, and a funky lattice mast. He seemed to like it but I'm certain that the design and build process was at least as big a part of the enjoyment for him as the sailing

That sounds like Anna Bamboo.


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27 Dec 2004
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