Dinghy stolen in Salcombe


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17 Dec 2010
South Oxon and Littlehampton.
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I often use a 5MM wire painter and padlock, 1.5 metres long, when leaving our dink. The Suzuki O/B has a good clamp lock and discus type padlock.

I bought a scruffy but sound running Johnson 4HP O/B from the 'For Sale' on here.

I am about to paint " Hwa Fong China Motor 1HP " on the scruffy covers

No one will want that..........................


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2 Sep 2010
Chichester Harbour
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There was a thread on here where someone had found out that Torqueedo's are ONLY waterproof when assembled; the person concerned wasn't happy.

Also....the manual for an 1103 Torqueedo states that if the battery is submerged in more than one metre of water for a short time contact Torqueedo and do not attempt to recover it. If the battery is in less than one metre of water for more than 30 mins contact Torqueedo and do not attempt to recover it. Serious injury or death maybe caused by an explosion of gas caused by oxyhydrogen gas build up! The outboard is only waterproof up to one meter... I.e. Battery end!

Interesting warning on tieing up Tenders, I have never needed to tie my tender up and probably wouldn,t have even thought about putting it on a long painter! Very useful, you learn something everyday day from this forum...
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Well-known member
27 May 2008
Now in the Med
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My Torqeedo works fine on a sunny day. We leave it in the cabin for its own protection when there is rain about and row ashore. As it rains frequently there is little risk that the Torqeedo will be available to steal from the dinghy.
Why would anyone think a Torqeedo sea going electric outboard motor will be totally waterproof?
I wonder if some people expect too much of German technology. :)


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8 Aug 2013
SW Scotland
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Why would anyone think a Torqeedo sea going electric outboard motor will be totally waterproof?
I met a chap on his way round Britain in a boat like mine who had had two tillerpilots fail on him, both bought new for the trip. The manufacturers were denying any liability on the grounds that the tillerpilots were not designed for use at sea.


Well-known member
13 Aug 2010
Bristol / Cornwall
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I must admit that if it was anything less costly I would suspect poor knotmanship. Our tender recently decided not to wait 9 weeks for our return from the Isles Of Scilly and somehow untied its 2 half hitches on the bight to proceed alone up the Tamar. Ive only been tieing half hitches on painters for 35 years so how did I get that wrong?. Happily we had asked our club to see if it was still ok on mooring and then our Commodore noticed it stranded up stream on way to his home berth and retrieved it to his yard.

I hope your dinghy turns up similarly, but the navigator expressed distaste in Salcombe and I fear the worst


Well-known member
3 Dec 2012
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Well, my experience has been kinda different. The latest event was when the motor was left out on the dinghy in a heavy unexpected downpour and the tiller would not switch the motor on until it had been dried out with a hair dryer in the cabin.
Can’t say we have had that misfortune - ours has sat, assembled but uncovered, on the transom through rain and shine for the past 7 1/2 years and apart from a couple of squirts of anti-corrosive on the connections on advice when it cut out a few times, and a new prop pin after cutting one corner too many on the Guardiana coming back from the pub, it has demanded nothing nor given any trouble whatsoever.


Well-known member
27 May 2008
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Can’t say we have had that misfortune - ours has sat, assembled but uncovered, on the transom through rain and shine for the past 7 1/2 years and apart from a couple of squirts of anti-corrosive on the connections on advice when it cut out a few times, and a new prop pin after cutting one corner too many on the Guardiana coming back from the pub, it has demanded nothing nor given any trouble whatsoever.
Did you get a recall on your battery? I did ..........for a water ingress problem.


Well-known member
3 Dec 2012
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Did you get a recall on your battery? I did ..........for a water ingress problem.
Nope - the original is still going, ordered in Jan 2013 at LBS - though in 2016 we bought an additional 915 ah when we decided the Torqueedo would be our only outboard when we expected to be off grid for days, sometimes weeks, at a time. Combination worked well.