Used it to remove antifouling. Need to use a synthetic brush and ladle it on & leave it for at least 12 hours. I found a pressure washer was the best way of removing the residues.
Dissapointed with the efficacy, as after 6 cycles of application & wash off there was still plenty of antifouling plus nearly all the boot-topping left intact.
Corresponded with their MD who professed amazement at the lack of effect of their product but who stopped short of any proactive suggestions.
Good luck
I used some on a test area prior to the whole hull, after using as directed i found little or no effect on the AF at all, only took off the first layer !
I took mine back to the chandlers and they gave me a refund
yep, after always using nitromors and being quick!.. due to the advice given here, i was advised that the "proper" paint remover was the product you have described... so got some tried it, and found that it did soften the paint to the point where it could be removed.... but what a bloody mess!!!..
if you're going to repaint, i'd personally advise good surface prep. either by using nitromors and working in small areas with decent scrapers and wet sponge or rags (this way if the stuff does start to eat the gelcoat, you can stop it before it does too much damage) or by using a decent (industrial) slow speed sander. then good primer coats and hand flat it before the topcoats... dust protection etc for A/F.
if you're thinking of restoring the gelcoat then it's a slow tiresome job. me... i'd prefer a good quality two pack paint job anyday. that wat you can always address small patches, scratches and repairs without worrying about matching the gelcoat.
hope this helps, although i appreciate there's many more people out there that would advise against nitomors, i just found it quicker, easier and less messy.
I used it last year to strip Skybird back to the epoxy layer. It took two applications and a lot of hard work scraping. It definitely softened the old anti-fouling but you can forget any idea of painting it on and then washing everything off with a jet wash. It also burns the skin so cover up well...
If I ever strip anti-fouling in the future, I will probably pay the couple of hundred quid to get it done professionally.